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    Bought it.
    I was drunk on Amazon Last Night And I regret nothing.

    And then somebody says Plate or Shrimp Or Plate of Shrimp…
    Before I read this article I lived in blissful ignorance of Thomas Kinkade, since I've had increasingly bizarre encounters with his work, culminating with a 2,500 thousand dollar Princess And The Frog "Original" that if I told you the story behind would cause

    Big Rewind Haiku
    Even Though I was Unemployed
    I Charged The Big Rewind
    And Read It In A Coffee Shop Straight through

    Tasha's List Just Blew My Mind
    I tend to think of Tasha as the critic at The AV Club I agree with the least, and yet her top ten list and mine are almost identical. For Christ Sakes even The Fucking Brothers Bloom is on it and I… I… (Head Explodes)

    Not Used To Be A Hater
    I really wanted to like it, but I saw it at BNAT and it just didn't work for me.

    Saw it at BNAT…
    It was flawed, but I have to admit there where a couple of times I just felt gutted.

    And What's more he's worse then Hitler!

    I agree.

    Agree with all but…
    White Teeth, which was good for a hundred pages and then to clever by half for the rest.

    Before someone calls me on it, yeah I know I typoed my favorite story.

    Indeed Hooray for 20th Century Ghosts.

    My frustration with that joke is second only to how open I left myself to it.

    It's weird Batman & Robin is the first Morrison book were I get it (For the record before I read Batman RIP, All Star Superman, Arkham, and The Filth and considered all to be one degree or another of overrated).

    Captain Ed's alone should have won it a place.

    He manages to draw how people look on the inside.

    Do you know who this list is a sham without?
    Doug Tenapel.

    So here's a question the fact that none of Zevon's "Death Trilogy" AKA some of the funiest most affecting songs about mortality (and also the funniest sweetest song about S&M ever) ever recorded didn't make the list. Appalling Ageism? or Ignorance?

    Good to know I'm not alone. And yeah I could easily see Brighter or Decoration in its place instead, or hell even Rock Opera, but Dirty South is the first DBT album I bought, and it really seems to sum up the band in away the others don't. It's always the one I use to introduce other people to Patterson and the crew.

    Yeah for the record I do love Funeral. Especially now that it's Autumn and Neighborhood #1 can be enjoyed among falling leaves AS GOD INTENDED. But Neon just hits me so deep in my Guts so many times. Throwing away crescendos that other albums would be built around. It blows me away every time I listen to it.

    "Funeral has a distinct advantage over Bible: lyricism. There's an unexplainably huge gulf between the two."