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    No surprise
    That I'm a big fan of these flicks (The EDJ stands for Evil Dead Junkie) but I have to say I prefer two to Army. II kept enough of its horror roots to still feel genuinely threatening at times which makes it even funnier you never know if you're going to get another Tree Rape or an innocent Gag.


    I'm going to go ahead and give a Fuck yeah to WBC as number one as well. I have a feeling it'll need it.

    The Dirty South
    Yer Goddamn right it is.

    "So you're going to… burn my country music award?"

    You know who Townes is a great introduction to?


    Does anyone else like to imagine the staff of the AV Club huddled around a computer with their hands over their mouths bug eyed, wondering what the fuck they unleashed, as the post count on this monstrosity reaches a thousand?

    Bragging about your Twitter account is most unmetal.

    For the record, my problem as the one who started this debacle my problem isn't that Genevieve didn't like the movie, but comment that because she didn't like the movie it is impossible that it is good and anyone who thinks so is deluded by nostalgia.

    I love…
    …Rereading for free the stuff I paid to read. It makes me feel awesome about my decision to pay for it.

    That's some tasty condescension right there.

    Season 5 also had one of the worst Buffy Episodes of all time (The one where she fights the Giant Snake that looked like it escaped from the coin operated rides that are infront of Walmart.)

    Michael Caine really is a great Scrooge.

    Ah I can't believe I forgot that one. Get me and my two siblings in the same room around Christmas and Muppet Christmas Carol WILL go on.

    I have two…
    I watch The Apartment every Valentines Day whether I'm with someone or not, and I watch Gangs Of New York ever St. Patrick's Day.

    AKA Richard Schiekel's Last Stand
    But where you not aware that Altman both imbibed Alcohol and Marijuana?

    Arrested Development The Finale
    Did the finale sour the rest of the series as much as it bothered me? The whole Lindsay Incest gag seemed especially nasty.

    I've read alot of Stephen King considerations over the years….
    … and this has to be one of my favorites.

    As for stuff I ENJOY watching over and over again rather then finding just blindingly hypnotic… Gangs Of New York and Goodfellas are the ultimate. Followed by There Will Be Blood. And basically anything made by Miyaziki, The Coens, and Christopher Nolan, where one scene just leads into another.