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    I love Robocop 2.
    Glad to see Sean mention Robocop 2, that movie never gets any love.

    "The perfect combination of Geekery and Pomposity"

    The effect of message boards

    Cuaron didn't direct the mime segment in Paris. He did the one with Drunk Nick Nolte and the baby.

    On Of Tarantino's best back story moments
    When the Brooklyn girl from Death Proof starts to tell the story of the horrible thing that happened to Rose McGowan's character, then the movie cuts away from her and it's never mentioned again.

    To me what makes Linklater Linklater is the insane detail he brings to his milieu, I always feel like I'm there in the action rather then being separate from it. That's just as true in The Bad News Bears, or The Newton Boys (IE his films that don't work), as his certified classics.

    Whole Heartedly Disagree.
    "and his wide-ranging interests tend to obscure any easily discernable authorial stamp."

    Um Point Of Order
    Altman was unsuccessful because HE DIED OF CANCER before shooting began.

    I Actually Like Zombie As A Filmmaker…
    But if this really is his next film rather then Tyrannosaurus Rex, I'm going to have a hard time remembering why.

    It may be in his worst movie…
    But Kevin Smith's "APPLESAUCE!!!" in JASBSB, was pretty brilliant.


    "Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't NEED to follow ME, You don't NEED to follow ANYBODY! You've got to think for your selves! You're ALL individuals! "

    What will it take for you to review Steve Earle?
    Do I have to beg? Cause that's what I'm doing? I'm begging you to listen to Steve Earle.

    Love it unabashedly
    I don't know if you're giving the movie enough credit Josh. Sure it is lovable as just a goofy ass movie, but the way it basically tells the story from the side kicks perspective (not to mention the way it subverts the usual sidekick hero dynamic) is pretty canny. As is the fact that it basically

    I still say that Selick would make the greatest Sandman ever.

    Arcade Fire
    I've always thought that Springsteen should release an album of Arcade Fire covers. and vica versa.

    Wilder as a visual stylist
    Anyone who thinks that Wilder isn't a great visual stylist should be forced to watch the office scenes in The Apartment and the mansion set scenes in Sunset Blvd. Alex DeLarge style until it sinks in.

    I'm the only one disappointed Frank Miller isn't on this list aren't I.

    Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young
    I like to think The Gaslight Anthem stepped bodily out of Streets Of Fire like Athena from the head of Zeus.

    P.O.O.: Violence