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    This has probably already been caught but Pete Docter has nothing to do with Monster's U.

    This has probably already been caught but Pete Docter has nothing to do with Monster's U.

    Cornel West, Francis S. Collins, Marylinne Robinson, Stephen Carter, Stephen Colbert, Walker Percy, Czelaw Milosz, VS Richard "Why Won't Women Shut The Fuck Up" Dawkins, Christopher "I also hate women and love surveillance event though I'm supposedly an Orwell disciple" Hitchens, Bill "Hey what do you know I also

    I'm trying to imagine a world…
    …where the oppressive 2 hour 40 minute Bataan Death March of human ugliness that is Enter The Void is more inviting then Gilliam's KER-AZY psychedelia.

    My Shame Is Now Canonical
    This is down right surreal.

    I first heard of this movie…
    Through 42nd Street Forever.

    This only whets my appetite…
    For a GK Chesterton Gateway.

    Lackluster Ripper
    I disagree. Murder By Decree is pretty damn good. Plummer makes a great Holmes, and James Freaking Mason plays Watson.

    Wait A Minute
    "1986: Hoosiers, River's Edge, and especially Blue Velvet"

    I don't think its fair to lump Millar and Ennis with Loeb and Johns.

    Wait… They've got Malick?
    So does he have two heads? A little unborn fetus who directs from his torso? What's the big fucking secret guys???

    I love it when a negative review makes me want to see the movie more…
    Its Michael Caine killing young people.

    Don't worry though…
    This will in no way impede your ability to make fun of Christians.

    Honestly? Yes.

    I think Ebert made some decent points. Even though I liked the film.

    Religious Iconography
    I would find Mr. Tobias's claim that Lieutenant removes all the religious iconography if he did not start his review WITH A GIANT PICTURE OF MARY.

    My Brother Is In I Know Who Killed Me
    To his ever lasting shame.

    I load The AV Club and find an indepth article about Warren Zevon waiting for me…
    I haven't been saying this enough AV Club… But I love you… So fucking much.

    Loved it… But
    The problem I had with Horns was the whole section from Lee Tourneau's point of view really killed the momentum of the story. It's right there at the end and contains no knew informations. Sure it tells us the hows and the whys, but we already knew the both of those.

    Saw it at BNAT
    Think your underestimating it. But then again it could just be how charged that screening got.