Vajayjay Leno

A better website starts with your website?

My favorite moment in any episode is when June says something like "You know what I think happened in this movie?" and Zouks's immediate rapt interest and glee about hearing what's about to come out of her mouth. I love it, every single time.

I imagine June's mind to be like that scene with Galadriel in Fellowship of the Ring and actually she would be a really good Galadriel.

I can explain it, I think. The point is this: by only crediting one monkey when it was in fact a team of monkeys, you're giving the impression that one monkey was capable of being the actor for everything in the movie when, in fact, monkeys are so innocent of the things the monkey did in the movie they had to have

All this has happened before;
And will happen again.

Seal just wants you to know that when it snows, he suffers from bulging eyes and begins to hallucinate light from you.

Just cast Luka Jones okay we're done.

Agent Goodguy-us Baltar

It's passable.


The only man who can fill that role is Benedict Cumberbatch.

With the next movie being set in the 80s, I can pretty well guarantee some Jubilee, because nothing says 80s like a girl wearing pink sunglasses and having sparkle dazzle powers.

Illusions blah blah blah


Achewood reference. Bad Machinery av. Can we be best friends?

Hella edgy response bro. Killin' it. High five!

I've chosen to believe that Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing is actually the afterlife for Fred and Wesley and they get to live there forever in a bizarre Elizabethan/Southern California paradise.

Making exceptions invites discussion on where the line between "things you can kill to make entertainment" and "things you can't" is.

I could stand to have a weird thing going on in the corner with her.

There's been rumors off and on of bringing Leap back as a miniseries or a movie or anything at all for like 10 years now and every day that it's not actually happening makes me sad.