Vajayjay Leno

And I will gladly take a police procedural in a genre world any day of the week because the real ones refuse to admit they're pretty much dealing in sci-fi already I'm looking at you Bones stop it that's not science.

Between Shaun, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim, that actually sounds like a really *BLEEP*ing great idea. I actually can't think of anyone more suited to combine the ridiculous violence and comic book silliness of Deadpool into a movie besides maybe James Gunn I guess but I think he has his own thing going on now.

Fourth wall breaking censorship bleeping is pretty much the best idea you can have for a Deadpool movie.

I'd call Iron Man 3 better than Iron Man 2 and a perfectly fine action movie.

Dave Coulier's catchphrase on Full House was "Cut it out" while doing the little hand gestures that Gandhi does.

I think that was just a Full House reference.

And a live drummer.

Bizarro is no worse and no better than it ever was. I chalk his existence in this show as part of some sort of Movie 43 level shame.

…there were two women in Kingdom Come? I only remember Bizarrely Super Angry and Violent Diana

Re: Amy wishing the Doctor back into existence- that actualy fridge brillianced into making sense to me. The cracks in time were erasing people from time, but time wasn't rewriting to fill the voids left behind. There were just…holes in time. Nothing was there, but there should be. Amy being exposed to the time cracks

I remember hearing something about a circus that went to Washington D.C. but I don't remember what happened.

Yeah, Kimmy died a few episodes earlier from time-travel related nosebleeds.

America's Funniest Home Videos!

Lucy actually did look pretty fun and like something I'd watch to watch. if only it didn't put the bad science front and center in the trailers to warn me away, I might've watched it.

They originally had a subplot in DoFP where Rogue was supposed to be brought in mid-movie to suck away Logan's healing factor and transfer it to Kitty to heal her wounds and keep Logan in the past. It was dropped for time and deciding the past was the interesting part, not the future. Presumably, she was repowered

Have mercy!

Maybe not, but McConaughey does beat Benedict Coolspotvideogame. McConaughey doesn't have another season for his Emmy, and True Detective will have plenty more shots(, inmate.)

I like Mr. Parsons, even if I dislike his TV show and character. A little bit of self-awareness like that goes a long way.

So…is there gonna be butt stuff?

Maybe not, but McConaughey beats Bandersnatch Cracked.com and that's all that really matters, since True Detective gets more shots(, inmate.)