kate monday

Sounds like just natural anxiety, but it might help to revisit your pro/con list and see if you think it all still applies.

Suggesting a movie at your place and/or that you'll make dinner is a pretty standard option. Or you can do a game night/movie night/whatever normally do with your friends at your place with a small group and invite her, then do a one-on-one thing down the road. It all depends on what idea sounds more

The whole bit about "crazy pills" was actually pretty offensive (although the person saying it is clearly unwell, and so can get some lenience). While I entirely agree that anti-depressants are something to approach with caution, because we still don't have a great understanding of brain chemistry, as long as you're

Honestly, what is your argument here? That you want people to be tolerant of Nazis? That we should let them do their own thing, while we do ours? That's called appeasement, and they tried it in England in the 30's. Spoiler alert, it didn't go well:

No, because you can't remove the word "white" from that definition and have it still be a Nazi. It could be a racist, because people can be bigots no matter what race they belong to, but you can't selectively remove key words from a definition. That's not how words/meanings work. But seriously, you need to do some

When I was 9 and we went as a family to see Guys and Dolls on Broadway, the moment the song "Marry the man today (and change his ways tomorrow)" ended my mom turned to me and my little sister and said "It doesn't really work like that. You can't change who someone is." We were pretty confused, but at least we

To be clear, the definition of a Nazi is someone who is anti-Semitic/white supremacist and believes that there is a "master race". No one is expected to be tolerant of or patient with Nazis. They are intolerable. Are you a little rusty on your WWII history?

The only part I'd mildly disagree with is the "without explanation" part - I would at least try to explain why this was such a deal-breaker.

Um, no, hatred and ignorance and irresponsible parenting creates Nazis.

When I was in college there were two attached clubs we'd go to - one was a lesbian bar, the other a gay bar. We'd go over to the lesbian half so that the lesbians in the group could meet people, but the dancing & music was usually better over on the gay bar side. And, it's really nice to go out and drink and dance

The lack of railings makes less sense the more you think about it - it makes the house entirely unable to be child-proofed, but then how can you possibly need that many bedrooms?

My go to example of this that I've seen personally was in a McMansion in Long Island, where the 1st floor bathroom was totally covered in mirrors - door, walls, ceiling, there was nowhere you could look and not see yourself on the toilet.

They really managed to make a huge, empty space look incredibly cluttered - well done! Also, why do none of the stairs have railings?

The staging is truly awful - not just the stuff they pointed out, but in at least two of those photos they blocked a window with furniture for no reason. There isn't any attempt/thought to actually showcasing any positives. And, are they trying to advertise it as a dormitory or something? What's with all the random

There's also misogyny and homophobia - he's an equal opportunity bigot!

Secret Service could take a few days off here or there - I'm sure most Americans wouldn't mind.

Haven't there been studies that show that that sort of thing is a problem for pretty much all dating sites? For example, Black women and Asian men are a lot likely to get a match (or whatever the equivalent is on a given site) than the average user.

Yeah, the fact that they think that's cool first date material is a red flag in and of itself. Between that and the not-so-ex racist vibes of the stories…yeah.

I mostly agree, although I've got a lot of cousins who've done name themes for their kids, so I'm trying to be less judge-y about the whole thing.

I'm sure a lot of people think of the name first because of some pop culture character (Veronica Mars & Gilmore Girls also have Logans), but in order to name your kid that you also have to like the name. It was also a name already, independent of comic books.