Oh, definitely - just pointing out the angle that would have been obvious to him if he'd had any brains at all to back up all that bluster.
Oh, definitely - just pointing out the angle that would have been obvious to him if he'd had any brains at all to back up all that bluster.
Based on the title, I thought this would be about cloning, and that the original, non-clone person would be referred to as (Your Name Here) Prime. But, this sounds cool too. Wouldn't he be Walter Prime, though?
It's stupid even from a business perspective, since he could have had the art appraised (by an appraiser of his choice) and then taken a tax break for the donation.
Someone gave us a watch from the (Bush Administration) White House. It has a "made in the USA" sticker covering up the spot where it's engraved with "made in China".
I'm not sure everyone realizes how strong the impulse is for women to not make a scene when something inappropriate happens. Any time that someone has said or done something inappropriate to me in the workplace, I've only really reacted to it or said something after the fact.
In the moment, I'm usually just frozen,…
It's also very well established that there's a lot of bias against women in the tech industry, and responsible companies are trying to overcome that. It's not like Google's actually anywhere close to hitting a 50% mark - it's probably around 10% for technical positions, 15% if they've really improved in the past few…
Telling all your female & minority coworkers (not that Google has a ton, but they do exist) that you consider them to be biologically ill-suited to their jobs and that the company should hire fewer people like them in the future is pretty much the definition of "creating a hostile work environment", and is as a result…
Yup! Last I checked, creating a hostile work environment was still a fire-able offense, and telling a bunch of your coworkers that they're inherently inferior and should never have been hired is pretty hostile.
Because it still sounds nicer than "racists" - it makes it sound like they're taking a principled stand, rather than just spewing hate and prejudice.
How about we just go with an all-purpose term like "bigots"? I agree - "anti-diversity advocates" is giving them way too much respect. Just call them what they are.
Did you see Alphas? I thought their portrayal seemed pretty realistic (within the bounds of it being a sci fi show, of course) and thoughtful. I particularly liked the fact that the autistic character has a special ability (the show is sort of x-men style, with each person having their own mutant power), but they're…
Sadly, it does have to be a saint, so you don't get to pick just anything.
Glad to hear it! Like the Bechdel test, it doesn't seem on the surface like it should be difficult, but then you find lots of big companies that fail it entirely.
Fair enough :)
My "favorite" bit about 21 is the fact that not only did they whitewash the original story, but when they gave cameo bits to the actual blackjack team members, they did stuff like ask them to fake really thick, stereotypical Chinese accents.
It's not even a misspelling that would sound like the correct word.
Umm…that description of the Simon and Garfunkel song seems really strange to me. Which part of the lyrics are petty or bitter? Sure, it's a song about Simon missing Garfunkel while he's gone, which might be a little silly, but it all seems pretty supportive to me ("let your honesty shine", "your part will go fine",…
I usually recommend having them written down in a notebook - requires a physical attack, instead of just getting onto your computer over the network. But, it all depends on your risk model…
Is there something specific about Teach for America that has bearing on the Ferguson events? I'm not sure I understand how it's pertinent/relevant that they were associated with TFA.
Sort of similar, except without the famous people: My friend's mom came home one day and told her indignantly that she'd seen her (the friend's) boyfriend walking around the mall "with a blond". My friend calmly asked her mom if said blond had been wearing a trenchcoat, and then explained to her that that was Paul,…