fish biscuit

That's ok, Ronnie, I was a little drunk myself.

I can't make myself care about any of the Noir line of books. Too many alternate versions of the characters now, I had to draw the line somewhere.

Hmm, I thought it was pretty decent. I especially like where Martian Manhunter seems to be going.

The best part about the chopper theft was that the Fed was a big fan of Bauer's. Jack just had to stick it to him.

I think that box was just full of all the guns Jack has used so far that day.

It's not just you. She has that evil, pouty face nailed.

Sawyer and Juliet will spark each other's memories when they "go dutch" for coffee. I'd hope that means Jack and Kate get another chance, but we'll see.

Did anyone else see the way Lapidus was just chilling when he rejected Richard's offer to join team Dead Meat? Lapidus was just sitting back relaxing, he's not sweating all this island craziness.

I was surprised when she lived longer than the vaguely familiar looking Bram at the start of the season.

He couldn't look more evil. I loved it.

I saw him curling his toes in the hospital.

These guys seem like they would be a lot of fun to hang out with, and no doubt the cast has a great time making the movies. But ever since Super Troopers their movies have seemed like excuses to have a working vacation.

This show is awesome. Netflix it up, you won't regret it.

Who needs plot or character development, right Zemo?

I can mathematically prove that giant hammers make everything better.

This is MUCH better than Pathfinder, but probably not quite as good as 13th Warrior. This is fun though, and the surround sound on that spaceship crash in the opener is fantastic.

I loved QuadDesk. The competing prank aspect of the show has always been one of the best elements. And speaking as a Dad, that sadness about being at work can only last until the hospital bills come due.

What a pretentious pile of crap. I'm surprised that Pattinson wasn't really a returned Jesus too.

Well that was disappointing. With that name I expected at least a crappy super-hero flick.

I got this from Netflix and turned it off 10 minutes in. It was unwatchably bad. I made it to the scene where Megan Fox describes someone as being "salty." Ugh.