fish biscuit

Same here, just caught up on both. Deadwood is a lot better, huh?

I adore this movie. But as a bad parent, I let my daughter watch it when she was four. She liked the songs, but there was one time when I heard a high-pitched sound coming from her, and I asked what it was. She replied "oh, that's just me screaming."

I just started watching this season, so I wasn't aware that this movie homage thing is a recurring gag. I LOVED the episode for all the reasons listed above, and for me it was new.

Kenneth was pretty bad. He seemed really awkward with the laughing bits.

I dug it, but Baldwin's delivery seemed to suffer the most. His quick banter didn't work as well while waiting for the audience to stop laughing.

Tara annoyed me for so long, but now I find myself annoyed at Jax for being so silly. He's burying himself in the club just like he saw Opie do last season.

How long do the zombies get to do their thing before the silly monsters show up?

Haunted Tank was ok. The characters were stereotypical on the surface, but became more interesting and amusing as the series wore on.

Also, bonus points for Stone Cold calling Sly a "damn piece of trash!"

I was amused that Terry Crews and his auto-shotgun got the same amount of character development. And if I count "poom-poom" as dialogue, I think the shotgun had more lines.

Shaun is a great intro to zombies for civilians. Hot Fuzz was almost as good for action movies.

To quote the muppets, "hey, it's a movie!"

I got James Joyce. Weird.

Nice one, Arsenio.

This is one hunchback that knows how to par-tay.

Nananananana… BOOM!

Joe, I actually dig Monster. But then, it was one of the big albums of my college years, so it sort of came out at the right time of my life, you know?

Here we go.

I love this album, but I am a bit disappointed. I was surprised to see the review and hoped it was new!

I'm playing 2 right now, and I'm reasonably certain that I'm a bad guy. The Cell "terrorists" are probably the good guys.