fish biscuit

They addressed it, Often. Not in detail, but it has come up.

You don't think US Agent would be down there with the protestors? I think he might…

Go back to Washington, Obama!

I'm getting these from the library, and while they're entertaining, they are not as good as a lot of the other work listed here.

I'm a HUGE Mantlo fan. His politics were never subtle, but man, that guy could write team-ups and new villains like nobody else. Take a look at a Marvel Handbook and think about how many of those elements came from Mantlo.

Man, the comic content is low, if anything. I'm sure there are some other dorks out there that only registered to talk comics (and LOST).

I've become partial to the ankliosaurs after seeing them hang out in herds of other dinos in that Walking with the Dinosaurs special. They kept an open mind and were easy to get along with, but had that club tail if you messed with them.


I am about to prove my geek cred for all time. I'm wearing my 5th Element t-shirt that I got while working at a Regal Cinemas back in the day. (I am wearing it under my work shirt, I do have some pride.)

Wasn't that released in the late 80's? I would think that puts it outside the Bronze Age. I've never read it, but I have it on the hold list at my library. It's up right after I finishe the New Teen Titans archives and catch up on The Spirit.

Looks like I should have just read a few posts down. I think Defenders holds up as one of the best bronze age books out there.

Breyfogle was the man on those bat-books. his take on Scarface and the Ventriloquist made them some of my favorite bat villains.

Robinson is not the writer you remember, mad. Sorry. I doubt anyone had to twist his arm.

I got a stack of those Elementals issues from back issues bins, but there are like 3 or 4 series, I have issues 1& 2 from one run, 3 from another, etc. Very frustrating to try and read…

Jim Krueger wrote Earth X, it had the solid Dougie Braithwaite on art, right JVS? I think Braithwaite has really improved since then, btw, check out his issues of Shadowpact.

I like Angry Jack so much that it makes up for a lot. His order to the guards to get out of his was was great. I haven't been that pleased about him since he threw his temper tantrum in the Hydra station.

Could the Dogen/Dogan name be a nod to the Dark Tower stuff? We know Darlton dig on King's series, so I started thinking about North Central Positronics right away…

Yells at Denzel over the phone?

I heard that on the blu-ray there is a death counter that tells you how many people Liam dispatches. I loved the idea in Hot Shots Part Deux and I love it in reality.

That seems like good advice, Zilcho.