
I might end up waiting for DVD, based on the reactions. I can't hang with movies that are over 2 hours in the theatre anymore.

Aimee Mann, Michael Penn, et al.
If you go to Largo's website right now, there's a bunch of Jon Brion shows coming up.

I hope Aukerman and PFT release a "sound effects record" episode, maybe under the heading of Analyze Phish.
Analyze Hiss?

Probably TMNT and Sin City 2. Winter's Tale is tomorrow.

The intro, where they all re-introduced themselves and noted that they are, in fact, 4 different people, seemed like a shot across the bow of some of the weekly comments.

It is.

Yeah, safe bet. IIRC, their MIB 2 episode came out around the same time as MIB 3's premiere.

Nope, she just signed on to voice "Cathy" in a live action movie of the comic strip because she thinks she's gonna be working with the Coen Brothers.

Homer's literary agent robbed him blind.

He's still a child-ish actor.

For Randy or Dennis?

Quick, let's frame J.K. Simmons for something.

Yes, because when they drift, both have no memories of anything before that morning.

At least Randy Quaid willingly went to Canada. Good on you, Randy.

Let's deport both of them… to the moon.

It was just a bad stomach ache.

You know you've messed up in life when Mark Wahlberg being hired as your replacement proves to be a good idea.

We Need To Talk About Shia

*sips Dr. Skipper*
Eh, still pretty good.

Have him and Justin Bieber ever been spotted in the same place? I have a theory.