
Bad couple of weeks for the cast of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull… Can we get some FBI guys to watch over Karen Allen?

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Every article about Legend of Zelda should be prefaced with "Hey! Listen!"

As in "Hey! Listen! Here's a video of The Legend of Zelda's Link as a 3-D chalk drawing"

Mick Jagger vs. Mick Kaiju in a fight….
Who wins?

We are not renewing the apocalypse!

"Ain't nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree rocket punch."
-Stringer Pentecost

Pacific Rim seems smarter.
Transformers has LeBeauof as your protagonist for 3 movies.
Also, I only saw Transformers 1 but the action in PR is staged so much better. I actually know what's going on. It's more elegant to have only a few kaijus and only a few jaegers at the same time. Certainly helped that every new kaiju

Ford: Um…now look…now look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That ankle is definitely broken, and when you examined it not 'alf an hour ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged

Fair point, but they didn't even need to approach the Hugh Jackman thing with a somber tone. It seems like somebody on the staff should have spoken up. Unless it was on purpose.

Anyone watch last night's Conan?

So it's a "scandal drama"

I like the odds on The Kinks' "Shangri-La" to close out one of these episodes.

Tobias did it on The Dissolve

Hey, Alejandro González Iñárritu. Stop hoarding the punctuation.

Reminds me of Daniel Attias in Isla Vista, who mowed down 4 revelers on a Friday night.

If you look really quickly, this picture looks like it's composed of stunt actors from "The League".

I saw this in the theatre and I had the strangest experience.
The people in the row behind me were whispering through the whole movie and they were making fun of it, but it was clear that they had seen it before, because one person was quoting lines as they happened. It was such a bizarre experience that I couldn't