
A muppet designed by Jackson Pollock

I honestly can't tell if that's Rachel Dratch or Alexis Biedel.

Belding ate them.

A weird ending that basically says "Sometimes prison time is what some people need to finally grow up."

Dinklage will also be in Ghostbusters. Dinklage-McCarthy overload?

Translation: her husband is probably directing this one.

The name "McCarthy" has never been associated with any types of open casting calls before.

The burger robbery scene is the only memorable part.

"I'll wait to watch it on my iPhone."
-David Lynch

Bale, Boyle, and 'Bender
One fat, one short, one slender!
These menacing crooks
So different in looks
Are nonetheless equally tender!

It's like if Peter O'Toole and Richard Dreyfuss were in a movie in the late '70s.

Sterv Jerbs

I'm hoping somebody gets sandbagged.

And in the darkness bind them.

I always think of that Twilight Zone episode with the toy bin when I think of Sack Lunch.

I'm Cuoco for Cuoco Puffs

I'm also very formal about my store and my car.

Reno Wilson and Tom Kenny.

That photo looks like a wax museum piece.

Part of the problem is still involving Arnold.
Terminators are not supposed to age.
Get a new Terminator, reboot the whole thing, have a trilogy planned out.