
I've seen We Will Rock You twice, which is about three too many times. What's most grating is that, as much as so much of Queen's music is just enormously camp and ridiculous, Freddie Mercury kept it as serious. A bunch of musical theatre people cannot make that balance work, especially when they're trained to play to

Looks like a '69 Camaro (the same car that Pete backed into a sign at GM headquarters).

Can we really call what Beyonce does "artistry," or is it more "early onset Alzheimer's set to music?"

I just keep seeing a slightly more aged Jeff Bridges. Or a thinner Beau Bridges?

Also, these are characters that spend the entire movie portrayed as unintelligent (but mostly benign) buffoons - maybe that scene hasn't aged well, but it's still ultimately playing their ignorance for laughs.

I only wish leagues of dirtbag-looking guys would start dressing like Boyd Crowder instead of wearing SAMCRO merchandise like it's a legitimate uniform.

I think he's talking about Kaley Cuoco, who's described herself as not a feminist, because inequality isn't really a thing she's faced or something anymore? Meanwhile, Jim Parsons's career hasn't strongly benefited from him getting implants.

Eh, there's something vaguely rewarding about learning the technique and car control needed to do okay at legitimate racing games. Also, it's expensive to go and drive on an actual race track, which makes something like Gran Turismo or Forza a reasonable substitute if you can't afford the thousands of dollars it'd

101 Dalmatians is a blatant parable on Nazi genocide.

I thought the question was what you first went and physically bought yourself, I had received a couple albums as gifts before that.

Gordon, by the Barenaked Ladies. Of course, this would've been '99 or '00 I bought it, I absolutely already had Stunt, and Maroon if it was out at that point.

Probably sarcasm, but I live five minutes from the studio where this was filmed. Lovely is highly generous.To put it in context, there's a nightclub named "Mingles" (it's apparently just as terrible as that sounds) 100m down the road, across from a Purolator facility and a large power facility.


Once they showed us Steve McQueen's dick, everything was fair game.

So? The Porsche's problem is how it reacts when its limits are exceeded - limits that, barring mechanical issues, are a fair bit outside the realm of conventional driving. And, at a federal level, it would have met whatever safety standards were leveled at it at the time. As mentioned, the standards have changed since

What George said, and even then, if I'm not mistaken, stability control (something the Carrera GT lacks which might have assisted in this accident) has been mandated.

Well yes, but under extreme g-forces, over several hours, requiring abnormal endurance, concentration, and reflexes.

12 Days of Christmas suggests the idea that there is a larger holiday season, dating back hundreds of years. I could at least get behind the Brothers McKenzie version, with beer and French Toast and back bacon and whatnot.

As I get older and more withdrawn and cranky and hermit-y, and the seasonal accouterments get more and more forced, the monolithic idea of Christmas and the simple dreary month of December get more and more interlinked, I just find all of winter just awful. So, I love The Weakerthans' Civil Twilight. I mean, I've

Hey, Death From Above 1979 were forced to work a number in their name….with sexy results