

I think when Dave Grohl goes to make a Foo Fighters record, it will always be a Foo Fighters record first and foremost - it will always be big, accessible, radio and stadium-friendly rock. As mentioned, he might stray from that more on his side projects and collaborations, but they've never been a band that's pushed

His next album will be recorded exclusively for all the cows though. High concept stuff.

Purge 3: The Legend of Curly's Purge

Don't evade the question.

You mean at any point in more than the last decade you didn't have it suck in your head?

What's yoah, er, uh, hurry? Thowah some moah errs and uhhs in theyah!

Proclaiming that a product lives "where extreme meets blue" seems rather timeless still.

My friends decided to nominate my car keys in a write-in ballot, because the front-runner who ended up winning was a vacuous, useless, self-absorbed douchebag that wasn't really that well-liked.

There is nothing in. The rules. That says a giraffe. Can't play. Football.

Fine, but the previous poster is suggesting they're not in the same song.

Well, no, it's the same song. Is 3 minutes of narrative consistency too much to ask for?

Except Sublime's not dead, it won't stumble off into that good night with decency, fading away into a VH1 "I Love The 90's!" blurb of "where are they now?" The music's still horribly overplayed, they're needlessly venerated, and Zombie Sublime won't even stop touring.

I'm pretty certain that's one of RoFo's campaign promises (to ethnically or sexually insult every member of our city) for this year's election.

Who you gonna call on when Gowdon Lightfoot's cweepin' awound your back stair?

As others have alluded to, the automobile played a significant part in shaping modern America (however you feel about that). As terrible a person as Henry Ford could be, he also enacted the $5 work day for his employees (about twice the standard pay at the time), and with the Model T, hoped to build something that the

Never tried a bootleg turn in the dry, but they're stupidly easy to do, even with a FWD car, in a snowy parking lot with prodigious use of the emergency brake.

Err, yes, that. I have no question a version of TARUS could work exclusively travelling within the US, but they have the budget to make that not necessary. I can't speak as to how effective any of the other international versions were, but there's enough geographic diversity and moderately different cultures that it

I can't speak for the Australian version, but the Canadian version that was on earlier this year stuck exclusively to Canada (a perk of being in a country that's really, really big). It was also hosted by the guy who won the gold medal for skeleton in the 2010 Olympics.

Home Alone.