
Totally agree, as mentioned above. The first half of the episode was consumed by Tomas' dream, Marcus in a chair, and Geena Davis evilly speechifying. A lot of threads remain unresolved: what about the BLM-esque community uproar about the murders? What happened to the rest of the demonic crew? What's the deal with

Here's the piece. I saw another write up asking about season 2 but he doesn't really say anything, other than that he has a lot of ideas, and it would follow Marcus and Tomas for sure, but not necessarily the Rance family.

"Pathetically weak ones like you" - spoken like a true believer, using his beliefs to validate his own feeling of superiority and entitle him to talk down to others. You're a pretty shitty example of why anyone should have faith, except maybe those who want to be bullies and not take responsibility for it. A shining

If the show were based on 'reality', it wouldn't be a show because possessions aren't actually a thing.

The showrunner did an interview where he said they had three different endings in mind: 1) pope shows up and is evil, 2) pope gets killed as season cliffhanger for what's next, and 3) what we saw.

Yeah I felt like it changed a lot as it went on, and lost the claustrophobic scares that were effective in the first half of the season. The last scene of episode 1, in the attic, was the scariest part to me.

It says something about the effectiveness of the show that even after they exorcised the demon from Casey, she still kind of scared me. Possessed Geena Davis wasn't nearly as scary in my opinion. I thought the show became more thriller as the world opened up, but was more horror in the first half of the season when it

I can't be the only one who was pretty disappointed with this finale. So that was Simon's master plan? "I'll just walk up to the car, I guess"? Also why didn't Regan just kill Tomas when he was out, and why didn't she hurt/kill the family herself?

What are you talking about? I mean, when everybody loves you, man that's just about as funky as you can be

What are you talking about? I mean, when everybody loves you, man that's just about as funky as you can be

Now that's what I call 'self-releasing a stand-up special'!

OK I know I'll get hated on for saying this, but I think Heaven is Whenever is better than Separation Sunday. Say what you want about Finn's non-singing style, on Separation Sunday he's really not singing.

April is the cruellest bitch

The dead know only one thing…it is better to be alive

"atheism cannot explain the uncaused cause in evolution…it sits as a theory which has some serious structural issues."

It's also frustrating to see people trying to claim that logic and reason can be used to justify their belief in the existence of God.

I haven't heard Stephen Merchant's special, but just knowing that it's called "Hello, Ladies" is enough to put it into my top five (note: this wouldn't work if it wasn't Merchant).

it's great if you think potheads offer a novel and refreshing take on comedy. Benson is a mediocre comedian but a truly awful host. I'd recommend Who Charted; they do something similar but 1) their show is actually funny and 2) there's a little more structure to it than Benson's rambling garbage.

Prime example was her appearance during the monologue. Armisen wandering in front of the camera as Gov. Patterson was great; her, not so much. It just reminds us of why we want less Wiig.

Yeah there's just such a combination in the next town over from where I live (Taco Bell / Pizza Hut, not Miley Cyrus / Das Racist).