Ghost Buggy

Yeah, "Insurrection" would've been a perfectly fine episode or two. It's greatest crime is that it cost me $8.

I see this a lot on the Internet, and it's not quite accurate. I blame "The Prestige."

A galaxy of prawn?

I seem to remember early 80s toy stores being FILLED with all kinds of lightsaber-like devices.

I've always fancied dying a manner that leaves no body. That way, there will always be some doubt about my true fate. Also, it's a sure way to get a footnote in some kind of book somewhere.

As a fellow dork who also wistfully romanticizes sailing but has never actually done it, I've really enjoyed this entry in "The AV Club Comments Section's Astonishing Tales of the Sea."

Well, see, when that kid was turning 21, war vet Al sort of cracked up a bit, went through a Peeping Tom phase…

Look up the Ziggy Lights game app.

If I were a technician there, I probably would've assumed a fly was in there with him and checked all the closets and stuff for a Beckettfly.

It's possible that Ziggy, being a super time travel computer, could track all these divergent timelines and inform the QL staff of the changes. Like, when Sam completes a leap, a bell goes off and a hilariously slow printer produces this long sheet of paper with the info on it.

Don't you see? He DID leap into Jay Leno. He had to get Leno on "The Tonight Show" because in the original timeline, NBC went with Jeff Dunham instead of Letterman!

There was a clear implication, at least in the series finale (SPOILERS, I guess), that there was some kind of greater force watching over the process. So that could be your answer. But overall, I liked that aspect of the show, that it was different from other time travel fiction in that way.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to reply directly to you, @greystgirl. I just couldn't remember the scene very well because the show is aggressively, yet hilariously, terrible and there are so many dumb things to remember.

Yeah, that was really dumb. When he told Big Jim he'd shoot him if he came back, why didn't Big Jim just say, "What if I come back with a friend, approaching you from the opposite direction, with a gun?" Although I'm sure there will be some stupid thing next week where Asshole Farmer has a bunch of Asshole Friends.

Yes, but only by about half.

Some sexy teens murdered someone and evacuated Saigon?

That opening dialogue when they were confounded by the failure of the missile was especially stupid.

Were they attempted rapists? That would be a logical inference, but I don't remember them actually threatening it.

A Pop-o-Mageddon?

Disparaging "Under the Dome" is a dome-able offense.