Ghost Buggy

"Eyes Wide Woke"?

That cast was great, and it was a disappointment. I also loved the set design. The Jupiter 2 interior was a pretty great design and the robot (before he got destroyed and remade) was really cool.

Ha, I love "Raise the Titanic!" They had the technology to raise the whole goddamn ship, but not to get into that vault or whatever it was they wanted to do.

Nor does Russia seem to gain anything from it.

…Woozle wozzle?

Ah. Well there you go.

I don't know. He was the first officer of a prestigious ship. He probably murdered a few people on his way up. And the only reason he pushed for change was because he didn't think the empire could sustain itself for much longer. (I think; it's been years)

Has anyone in this thread ever even seen a chicken?

I don't think it's so much that as it is Republicans not caring this much when the tables are turned. For example, after Ted Nugent talked about murdering Hillary Clinton with a machine gun, Trump invited him to the White House where he posed for a picture in front of her portrait, and I don't remember a lot of

My wife and I are technically turning into Olds, and don't have a desire to go out on NYE really anymore. But we felt a weird obligation to mark its passing somehow, so we picked CNN as the least terrible one. Some of the traditions were fun to see, like how they'd show the drag queen sitting in a giant shoe drop in

I suppose so. But did it solve anything that Juliet just running away to be with Romeo wouldn't have? I guess faking her death is a better cover than just disappearing, but in either case they've got to disappear anyway. The main difference is one of them has to drink poison in one of the plans. (NOTE: I haven't

When a coworker and I realized we both read comics, we started lending them to each other to share the books we really like. He read all kinds of crazy violent shit and mainstream superhero books but refused to read my "Tomb of Dracula" and "Hellboy" comics because SATAN. It was really awkward and sort of sunk the

Are they really that smart, though? I don't remember a lot of finer details about the first two, but that plot by Laurence was really stupid from the get-go.

Hey, it works for Starfleet. Then again, they would just beam out after the first red shirt death-by-chestburster, ending the movie.

Ahem, I believe the proper term is "lectern."

I don't know. Is there a fleshed-out backstory for that little shoebox-sized droid on wheels that zooms around the Death Star corridors?

There were concerts in the park…people seemed to laugh more then.

Well, and the horrible nuclear war right before that.

Me too. That first bridge was so damn cool to me. Even the little TVs on bendy necks!

I think what sometimes gets lost in this particular debate is the resourcefulness of the various Enterprise crews. It does seem unlikely that the Enterprise (any Enterprise) could do exactly what the X-wings did. But the Starfleet gang (Picard's crew especially) really are just hyper-competent problem solvers (except