Ghost Buggy

Paging Stilt-Man to the AV Club, Stilt-Man, please report to the AV Club thread about goofy names/costumes.

Also, don't you do laundry, or dishes, or general housekeeping? That's great podcastin' time.

Yeah, I understand that, I was just making a dumb joke about how we're a poorly educated populace on science in general…leading to situations like the one you describe (and is what the review was getting at).

I get what the review is saying and everything, but I'm not sure a "belief in the infallibility of science" is one of America's problems, exactly.

Maybe, Apes-Ma, but look at what we have now. I would kill for an episode like that again. What naive children we were!

Yes, that's also the first thing I thought of. Well, that, and how all this "Jews control Hollywood" business wasn't brought up when Mel and Homer were trying to get their movie made.

What a delightful man.

A gun for which you had precious few bullets. Once those ran out, you may as well walk off the nearest cliff.

Yeah, and then he'd do that weird little dance when he died. It was a great compliment to when he would duck, and looked like he was squatting to drop a deuce.

Super Pitfall! I was obsessed with that damn thing. It was awful, but had such an interesting vibe to it nonetheless. Up top, there are temples and gold and snakes and frogs. Underground, some more animals and ladders and rivers and waterfalls. Further down, some weird ghost/monster things came out at you.

Scrawler, there's a Springfield, Michigan. Well, sort of. It's part of Battle Creek. But there's a Shelbeyville not too far away, which is kind of awesome.

And it was unbelievable fiction anyway! Stephen Hawking in a pizzeria!

I'm not a regular viewer, but I've seen quite a bit of the show, and I'd be willing to bet Leonard stays in the apartment (and friends with Sheldon) for professional reasons as well. By all accounts, Sheldon IS a brilliant scientist, and another scientist in the same field of research could benefit by being near him a…

That first paragraph might be the best thing to ever appear on the A.V. Club.

That doesn't make any sense.

I thought it was pretty clear that the Asian women in the shop were playing up a stereotype to scam Cartman.

If you watch my YouTube video, you can clearly see the telltale signs of controlled explosions during the cancellation of "That's My Bush."

Unless you're mainland. Then it's "Mackinaw."

The Ackquiri? Yes, have some!

Ever put Froot Loops on ice cream? Amazing.