
At least Paula Deen's cruises come standard with poop.

Filtered and edited through Chris Brown's mindgrapes:

It means he's not a piece of shitty trucker technology; he's just a piece of shitty motherfucker humanity.

These sample sales are, like, so meaningful.


Google "Hollywood agents."

"A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended"? Even David Blaine could figure out that shit!

YEAH he will.

Monday? I thought her name was Tina!

"You can watch if you want. Whatever boosts your ships."

Iron Man is not pleased with the service at this hotel bar.

GREAT review. *tips fashionable hat*

I love "Tootsie Roll" AND “C’mon N’ Ride It (The Train)," so I guess that Joe would be white-power racist toward me.

I would rather fund a Turk and JD road trip movie.

He'll be cooking MCs like a pound of bacon—on wood hearth stoves.

*dancing like no one is watching NBC*

"For What It's Worth" is my favorite song from LGBD, which is an underrated album; the bonus tracks (included on the U.S. version) are as great. And "Super Extra Gravity" is stylistically different—like every other Cardigans album—while offering very good songs. "Godspell" has riffs that hint at the band members'

Throwing clean electric razors in THIS economy?

The children really are our future.

It's a bad sign when Anna Faris looks at a script and says "NOPE!"