
Yes, but other than O'Neal, everyone at AVC absolutely sucks at writing about politics. Like really, really, sucks.

1. Those aren't examples. Don't invite the burden of proof onto yourself if you "don't have time to go hunt down links."

Seriously. Dear AVclub: a guide to writing political articles:

"I could point to probably a hundred instances on this site that back up his opinion."

Searching for where you were told to go fuck yourself. Not finding it. The OP was, but I think that may have been an in-jest concession to your provocation? Maybe not. If so, one point for you. Had your first post been in response to that, I would have likely lauded you.

Okay, please do.

Okay, fine
(1) Making such a claim when it has actually occurred is legit - 'there are rules to a civil convseration, they aren't being followed, and it is preventing legitimate discourse." Instead, you pre-emptively make such a claim, with no evidence to support it.

No, you said *this* thread would devolve into name-calling, etc. Which it has not. You've been told to shut up, which is not un-civil, in my opinion. Part of having "civil conversation" is that you have to be able to expect participants to actually contribute ideas of merit, rather than *lead off* with "I'm going

Yes, but you haven't expressed an actual opinion. Your opinion is "I'm going to be made a victim for not agreeing with the consensus," without actually having the intellectual fortitute to, y'know, express an actual thought.

Wow, it just occurred to me: Rory isn't a Gilmore Girl: she's Christopher's daughter! It all makes a lot more sense, now.

I feel like the underdog narrative is more about the long-suffering fans, not the team. You read the stories today, and it's all about the fans and the city, stories about people crying over lost family members who never got to see this, etc (rip, grandpa).

By all accounts, the former claim is blatantly false.

Hmm, I'm not sure if "charmer" is one of his defining characteristics. If anything, his presidency could've benefitted from a little more willingness to charm and schmooze with the lawmakers.

I think there are some reading comprehension issues going on, here. The whole point of his post is precisely that Obama will still be president, so he can pretend like he just woke up after going to bed on December 31, 2015 (uh, except for the whole Colbert Report thing).

See my other comment, but a cousin of mine somehow ended up hanging out w Feldman, my aunt has creepy stories about the older celebrities she's sometimes drop him off with (that side of the fam is messed up, so don't ask…)

Okay, I never thought I'd say this, but the "alleged pediphile ring" is real. An estranged and deeply troubled cousin of mine somehow ended up in LA and regularly hanging out w Feldman, a few decades ago. The stories I heard back, through my aunt via my mom were… disturbing.

I think they cancel each other out, actually. But MN is nice, in the summer…

Reelfoot lake is cool…

Too vinegary for me…

Oh, great: so the fifth element is love, then?