Noctor Dick

Mr. Lindsey, is this your skull?

Don't backpedal. She's a beast.

Yes. Well, it's a little off the subject of Haiti, but tolerance is always a good lesson, even when it comes out of nowhere.

The avclub sensitivity ninjas flag first, ask questions later.

If Johnny Joanie was the only gay person I'd ever seen, I'd be a homophobe.

The water buffalo slaughter at the end of Apocalypse Now
Any of Billy Madison's graduation parties
Dinner party at the end of the Birdcage

fight club ripped him off

Do you like digressive recipes for chocolate milk? Do you like yelling? How about jizz?

Hilarious list.

it's spanish for "the white boy"

In that scenario I'd be doing all my explaining to the police.

Live by the Ganges, age lookin' dandy

by the end of breaking bad i had forgotten he was ever a wigger

Bitches leave.

Another kid:  "Seven and a switchblade."

I saw the pic and thought for just a second it was coming back.

just rub two silver dollars together

sounds like the second-worst date she ever had

RIP Andrew Dice Clay :(

So embarrassed to read these comments, you guys.