Noctor Dick

I thought I went nuts when I read that he hadn't done one since Himself. 

He murders on stern.

His final review was just a page full of "Screw Flanders"

They said it was pneumonia, but I knew what it was.  VICTIM OF THE MODERN AGE, POOR, POOR GIRL.

Better bands and artists whose names are simpsons references:

Giamatti in Clueless?  Inconceivable!  That was Wallace Shawn.

You never see Sam Malone throw a pitch.  Or fuck a woman.

PETA is protesting it because so many cows died to make her a leather bra.

In order from most desirable to most available:

She's a diversity double-whammy.

England's Oldest Pants Shitters
December's Grandfathers (And Everybody's)
Beggars Bingo

You chokeholding motherfucker.  You choke holding mother fucker.

I want a sticker with the mischievous calvin peeing on praying calvin.

Nobody cares about Australian authenticity.  Maybe Outback Steakhouse.

Stopped reading after "If you want to fuck a kid".  No, thanks.

I thought a J-cut was for overlapping skin, not dialogue.