
My favorite bit of Guns violence was when Axl Rose fell off the stage.

There was nothing naked about that lunch.

My gift is my song, yet a YouTube link to an Elton John concert apparently doesn't count as "about $20."

You always see young people in old-people makeup. i want to see some 55-year-olds made up to look 25.

Read all about projects like this in my new blog, Panned and Scandinavian.

Come for "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly," stay for "they're hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!"

He's almost at a Richard Grieco level of quality.

It's Hour time! It's Hour time down here!

I KNEW you would say that!

Kids, in 1998 Praz was referring to one of two volcano-themed films, the dumber one despite not taking place on Wilshire Blvd.

Deadites now hold the longest run of defeats in Michigan history.

Only if Dotgov is her sidekick.

Castor and Pollux: the Everly Brothers.

Think about the tens of thousands of AV Club reader hours wasted because Sean O'neal decided to watch Entourage.

Wait, he's being cast as a construction worker? What's next, a biker?!

Finally, some diversity on TV.

Nice Selleck Clooney's sporting.

Also, I'm seeing ads for Kraken liquor, which is just aces.

The list of great single-shot horror scenes begins and ends here.

This news has me a little, uh, ANXIOUS, ifyaknowwhatahmean.