
Yea, pretty sure it was late onset Lyme disease or something. Was kinda drunk when I watched the doc though so not one hundo on that.

You just painted the smooth egg of my soul gold, man.

Yea, great doc. I hope she is doing better health wise nowadays, though. The bits about her trying to find out what was wrong with her and receive a proper diagnosis were frustrating and kinda painful to watch. Sounds like she may have put some of that behind her though.

Beck handled this situation LIKE A BOSS.


Some Ninja Turtles cassette from Pizza Hut. I remember some acoustic ballads, something called "Coming Out of our Shells" maybe? I played it for my class at school during craft time, but I hadn't actually listened to it yet. I have never been more embarrassed.

I got a Keenu Reeves notification for this?

They should just do an hour and a half of the creepy animatronic guys. Solid B episode.

Andrea that is so sad and scary that you were subjected to second hand cigarette smoke at an outdoor music festival. I hope you somehow find a way to carry on. Thoughts and prayers.

The mass email I received from the band said that the bulk of the album was written and recorded in 2013 in NYC. It was mixed in the UK earlier this year.

In Pitt? Me too, smell ya there!

I was wondering if RZAs plan for a single copy album release and exclusive museum tour was inspired by anyone or anything. Looks like he got some inspiration from his homie qt.

The cover of my copy of Stankonia isn't the aforementioned photo of dre and big boi, but instead the orange and black psychedelic motif with unicorn woman. Was this an alternate cover or did I put that shit in backwards after getting zooted and listening to it for the first time?

Yea, I stupidly sold my split 12" as well but I still have the I Like Fucking/I Hate Danger 7" with sticker included. I don't know what my teenage ass needed so bad that I had to sell some records, but…. actually it was probably weed. Or date money, but probably weed.

I almost think the creators planned on going ahead with the storyline about Hart's daughter, but may have chose not to explore it either because they didn't know quite where to take it, were running out of time to properly examine it, or just thought another loose end to wrap up would muddle or cloud the last couple


Yeah when Cole asks Hart what he's been up to besides work and Hart says it was the first time he has ever asked him that, it almost seemed to hint there was a reason Cole was asking… Almost like he was interrogating him.

This new(er) commenting system is about as smooth as Hart's lovelife, Jesus.

Nothing screams Metal like old, rich brits making bitchy comments to each other.

Right. "Puss" was the A-side and "Oh, the Guilt" was the B-side of the single. "Puss" was an album cut from Liar. "Oh, the Guilt" was not on an album. Making The top 20 in the UK only means they were good songs.