
"Oh, the guilt" is one of my favorite b-sides. Highly recommended.

That Kurt is actually mark arm from mudhoney. He also works for sub pop. Lolz.

Thx for the link. I agree the drums aren't quite as powerful but I assumed Ye tweaked the sample for contrast.  Apparently not, and he pulled a Vanilla Ice, going "His drums go 'Bump-a bumpa-bump-a bumpa', While mine go 'bump-a bum-PA bumpa'… It's not the same".  Way to save a buck, Ye.

Nothing to be ashamed about, Manson did some interesting things. But I'm pretty sure the sample in question is the rolling drums, not the vocals.

Rolling Stone reported that it was a Manson sample. Yeah Rolling Stone whatever, but what makes you so sure it's not?

I dunno…They said the same thing in an interview with Nu-Metal Weekly.

*skillfully widdles a critter-gitter while smoking a corn-cob pipe*

*skillfully widdles a critter-gitter while smoking a corn-cob pipe*

Yeah, he was a profesional Violinist.

My favorite was when he sang to himself "I don't wanna wait.. for our lives to be ova-a" while he nonchalantly grabbed a blunt object and pummeled that colonial guy to death.

The grape drink on ice that Cartman included in the locker room spread was a nice touch. A racist touch, but nice never the less.


Bro, the three big cities in Ohio were relatively untouched by the recession, making it a popular place for Detroit transplants. Dude. Ya feel me, holmes?

I was jumping a somewhat treacherous gap on rollerblades back in the mid-nineties as a teen… I was outfitted with cut-off khaki shorts, a long-sleeve Fudpuckers t-shirt that read "you ain't been pucked till you've been fudpucked", and over that a Come On Feel the Lemonheads album cover tee.  I proceeded to eat shit in

Hmmmm… I actually thought this episode was great and had a fresh feel to it.  Kinda like a relaxed, arty, absurdist piece.  I loved the timing of the visual gags througout, and the sound collage was disorienting and effective.  I was tearing up from laughter more than once.

"How serious can you be about showing your dick on the internet?"  -Mike Stipe

yeah it was pretty good the first time…. when it was called "Lust for Life".

Yeah, I hear it's comparable to east Chicago.

Yeah, that song is pretty dope… the strings add a nice dramatic feel.  Going a step further, music genres that produced about one good song would include rap-rock, with that All About the Benjamins remix featuring Dave Grohl.  Or maybe it's just mediocre in a genre that is flooded with Axe body spray and roofied

I liked their first album. And you guys had to go and swap genuine enjoyment with girly giggles. Thanks.