
Up your Arsenal was the 3rd game in the series after the self titled and Going Commando, but yeah… The Ratchet and Clank games for the ps2, along with the Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper games, were probably the apex of 3D platforming/action games.

Kelly Conaboy would be a nice addition, she is a Videogum OG.

Mega Man and Bass definitely was not released on the SNES, just GBA and Super Famicom. I've never played it though, might track down a copy for curiosities sake.

Then Harry Houdini would've attempted to turn your comments into humor. And failed. Because he didn't actually have magic powers.

Well, he does seem to show a predilection for masturbatory impulses.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure that's just a still from an Aha video.

He just dominates Ghost-Busting so hard there really isn't a need for anyone else, they should just get back and bust some fucking ghosts on D.

Whoa, keep Superchunk out of this.

If you missed out on a chance to grab a pair of these shoes, no worries… After Trump becomes president all Americans will have mandatory access to Alien Stompers.

Good interview, I'm only a little disappointed in the lack of salacious Guttenberg gossip.

Which shooter are you referring to?

Kevin and Wayne from wonder years were pretty believable.

Yea, I've seen it.

Never flagged you, couldn't care less about unhinged internet weirdos. And you should have just let the mods delete your shit and been done with it because you aren't doing yourself any favors by reposting insane ramblings.

hahaha, u mad home-slice?
I'm the one accurately quoting official government documents, documents that I came upon by doing this research you speak of. You are the one spouting weird conspiracy shit about "Dictabelts" sweeping in (lol) and resorting to name-calling. Get some rest G, I think u need it.

"And the 1978-79 HSCA, which reexamined the evidence with the help of the largest forensics panel."

I think "the umbrella man" had to have something to do with JFK's assassination, right? I mean, the last thing he sees before he gets shot is some dude menacingly waving a symbol of his father's appeasement policies? Very weird coincidence at the least.

Class statement. John prolly deserved it, but show business don't care.

I give him credit for not going after low hanging fruit.

Yea, Kaitlin is really amazing and has been for the entire run of the series. All of them have been, actually, and i agree that it's frustrating and just plain weird that they haven't received more praise and accolades from the industry. If i had to guess though, it would prolly have something to do with how they have