
Fresnadillo can do no wrong
Apart from the Zombie Robert Carlyle can still track his kids thing in 28 Weeks Later (though you could even fanwank that away being that his wife was a carrier for a mutated form of the disease). But yeh Intacto and 28 Weeks are very, very fine films indeed.
Cooper, well ok I like him being

"And as someone who actually does believe the state should not exist at all…"

I found it to be fucking woeful. The whole "imagineers" business nearly induced vomit when I realised that instead of making fun of it the film was actually suggesting spending all your time as a geeky, sci-fi and fantasy obsessed dork was a legitimate path through life for a grown up.

The grass only seems greener.

LAH is a very fine film indeed.

I do, happily.

Wow, that is a blast from the past. They are not well known at all in the UK. I'd venture they probably do better in the US. I also find it amusing that The Seldom Seen Kid is all about splitting up talentless hack presenter Edith Bowman.

And consume!

It's because he's filming scenes The Dark Knight Rises.

Oh good god.

The debut is great album for late night on-the-couch seduction.

Do get adolescent for a moment -

I agree Towelie, whenever anyone slates the entire seventh series I point them to Conversations With Dead People, Dirty Girls and Selfless as being highpoints of the entire show, though I do agree 7 is the weakest season as a whole, probably below season 1 even.

Mr Calrisssian, I agree wholeheartedly about season 4 of Angel - the atmosphere and sense of dread, the, as you say, properly violent fights - everything with Faith and everything with Angelus (though he should have been allowed to kill innocent on camera during his time in 24-hour dark L.A), the fucked up Cordelia

Your problem is you think the American Dream is real. You really do. You think that anyone can rise to prominence in American politics, that this is a liberal principle practiced faithfully in the real world. Excuse me but, LMAO.
As Lacan said, this Kantian discourse is not only sadistic in that false promises are made


….that what the money-traders are playing with is a multi-layered abstract representation, created by multiple trading in the commodity market in a dimension above the natural prices set by the nexus of supply and demand. The banks and financial trading companieses, which should be merely mechanisms for the rational

You're talking utter unadulterated crap, anomo

poor poor Charles Haley

Ok I get the dislike of how manipulative that episode was, Tom. It's a very good point when you think about the path of how everything had to happen.
Your Lost theory is very very interesting and I like the idea of Esau playing them all by messing with the timeline in certain specific ways. So in your theory are all of