
Shit, sorry for calling Tara a wet blanket, Delpy's Lipstick. I don't think all shy bookish insecure nerdy lesbians are like that.

Ah shit, thanks man. I'm not planning on doing it often or ever again on here if I can help it, I do it enough in meatspace when it comes to politics. I only registered today and that was to talk about Buffy.

Man, TWFS that was a great post and it reminded of the Lost discussions I've been reading and the issues people take with the determinist vs free will schools of thought, I'm fascinated by the reactions people have to these ideas because, in fiction at least, I'm generally happy to be pulled along in either direction

Y'see this is why I hate political discussions on the net because I have to type reams.
Try to understand, anomo why such imperfect and irrational and sometimes despicable decisions are made by ordinary people; ordinary people who are bombarded every day with images of consumption promising to sell them symbolic

Bugger, "put in place" not "punt" "tortured" not "toruted" and "complex understanding OF human functions"

Ah shit anomo, you were doing well but you've fallen back on the "greed is natural" pablum which is so ingrained in many Americans they seem to think that we are incapable of overcoming our drives and desires with rational thought. Maximising one's self interest at the expense of other's is most certainly an

"If nothing that we do matters, then all the matters is what we do."

Whoo, I hate getting involved in political discussions on the net because I'm quite a lazy typer and there is always so much context to put into any good post that it takes me ages so I tend to give quick off the cuff answers that don't really put my point across as accurately as I would like. For this I apologise.


Incentives? Incentives? No, it created a safety net for mother's who didn't have a partner to look after the kids. This idea that the single mother says "ooh look easy money I can dump my spouse/partner and live of the state" is highly suspect.

poor poor Xander.


But what are these "stupid" decisions? And are his reasons for making them stupid or just the product of an intelligent but emotionally fucked up mind? Stabbing Gunn, in my opinion was justified, I'd do it to the man who was responsible for the death of someone I'd loved, especially in the fucked up state Wes was

Here's my wonderful fanwanking explanation for the above,


Well actually he doesn't need to argue your points he just needs to point out your opinions are about as accurate as Roger Wyndham-Price's.

I've always found Tara to be too much of a wet blanket for me to warm to her, this goes away in season 6 when