subpar US adaptation of a witt

Damn these electric sex pants

First AV Club doesn't cover "Comedians are Nuts" and now, no mention of Gary the Squirrel, AV Club your asking to be bopped in the nose.

@avclub-6a1cf9ff786388fe8796c57ec63d1075:disqus  Are Republicans against ratios, along with being against global warming, evolution and science? Yeah rich people pay alot of taxes because they have a lot of money, but they usually pay a much smaller percentage of their income than the poors or middle class. Republican

@Dikachu:disqus I agree with you but the problem is a lot of the top democrats fuck it up by not practicing what they preach, They may actually believe in making the rich pay taxes but they themselves are involved in hiding their money and they delegitmize their argument

If there was one more week in the show and Alaska would have won and can a reunion show make you retroactively hate a season? I liked this season but this reunion displayed all the worst elements of this season, the 5 or 6 boring queens who were first eliminated, the annoying overdrawn feuds, and it gave the

Someone smarter than me can probably break this down better. But what do people think is the significance of Don's shift in Advertising style. Don in the early seasons usually was trying to tug at people's emotions, like the famous carousel pitch, to the more visual pitches like the Hawaii pitch, heinz ketchup or the

Great Ep, Loved the Majestic song and Pete Holmes voiced two charachters. A in my book

God Damn another great episode, I loved the hookers fake laugh, that barely hid her contempt for Pete Campell and Joan, oooh, sweet sweet Joan, So heartbreaking when she stood up to Don. Has there ever been a character with, lets call it a "magnificent bust" that has been so sad, I don't remember Pam Anderson or Dolly

Did anyone else catch the Asian delivery man from the last episode,in the commercials for the killing? If the new season of the killing is just this man and Pete attempting awkward small talk, I might actually watch the killing.

I disagree, Like Don explained, Chevy gets to act like it was their brilliant idea to bring them together, Also I wouldn't put anything past the company that would eventually build the Pontiac Aztek, Also both companies were in pretty dire financial straits and constantly loosing to bigger companies and they're both

But its not the same without at least one "SHUT THE DOOR" (that's meant to be read as forceful, not yelling)

Hey Internet, I expect a recut version of the scene where Pete and his father in law, meet eyes at the Whorehouse, with the Clarissa Explains It all theme  music inserted, on my desk by 11 am tomorrow morning, thanks. If you can somehow add ferguson in that would be great.

Well he was also they're best salesman for years, has an inhuman amount of enthusiasm for paper, and responsible enough to own a business park. Sure he may commit assault or light the building on fire but wait till you see those quarterly profits.

I dunno after the year Leslie had I can understand if she was a little bragadocious, also I can't not love a angry townhall meeting.

Chris's being distraught reaction to  the news about the "Prettiest Pig" competition being turned into a Rib cook off, was the funniest moment of an amazing episode and great acting by Rob Lowe. How he loses the Emmy to nerd 3 on Big Bang Theory proves those awards are meaningless.

well to be fair, he did get 50 to 1 odds on the John Mellencamp thing

I think the joke was more about the idea of a lunkhead like Kevin sounding reasonably knowledgeable and Kevin's idea that all characther actors have to be fat.

Well Michael Imperoli is not a comedic actor (which was proven by the awful movie "Baby Daddy) so I wouldn't expect him to have to be that funny. Also this is one of the last episodes so it would be weird to give a large role to a one off guest star instead of focusing on the main characters. I personally found his

Thats right,how can I forget it was a play,a play much better than some story about a salesman

Neil Campell is quickly becoming one of my favorite CBB guests. His characters always seem dumb at first but they turn out to be really funny. I loved this episodes southern politician and his author characther who was writing a weird duck book