subpar US adaptation of a witt

Hey, Office you finally learned that when you reign in Dwight's wackiness to a point and he's not committing violent assault on his coworkers he's actually a pretty great character I loved his karate demonstration and how Dwight's plot called back to the episode where he spars against Michael Scott.Also I enjoyed


" I'm going on 60, I've been in this business 40 years, I graduated Law School at 20, I don't know how that happened"' God Damn it Alaska you are the best

Yeah a few weeks ago I was 100% team JInkx but Alaska has really come on strong the last two episodes, I think it will be a close race between her and Jinkx

but she had so many colorful rich charcters in the courtroom scene. Such as Roxxy Andrews, Roxxy Andrews and who could forget Slightly bitchier Roxxy Andrews

I love how Roxxy was INFURIATED by the comedy challenges this week and thought they were "Making fun of/Disrespecting Drag" because if there is one thing that has no place in drag, Its comedy. Her meltdown makes me picture her, going to campy drag queen shows and yelling at everyone there to take drag more seriously.

Getting real tired of your shit, RuPaul

You sir have never had a quality hot dog before.sure your standard, crappy 7-11 hot dogs may be gross but a good Hebrew national, maybe a hipster buffalo-alligator hot dog, a Chicago brat, a dodger dog, all nothing but pure american quality

Stan you are quickly becoming one of my favorite charchters, if not my favorite outside Roger, You got Don Draper to smoke a joint at work and that was badass but UNLESS YOU"RE A STUPID FUCKING 5YR OLD CHILD, KETCHUP NEVER BELONGS ON A HOT DOG EVER!!!!, EVEN IF YOU"RE STONED!

To me the actor in the scene with Megan reminded Don of himself. His dialogue justifiyng cheating on his wife sorta sounded something Don has said to get a woman in bed. Maybe it bothered him to see himself played out on tv or he realized that hus pickup lines are not deep thoughts but just cheap way to get women into

I always think of the Great John Mulaney Bit he did on Snl's weekend update about Mad Men's preview "SHUT THE DOOR"

yeah, I guess I'm just looking at as a viewer whose anticipating and waiting to see how or if they are going to deal with Robert Kennedy's assassination and even the slighest reference to it  makes me take pause/

Can I offer you gentlemen a drink, A Zima perhaps.

yeah but its meta in the sense that Robert Kennedy gets killed in 68 and at the time of his death Robert Kennedy was Nixon's most likely opponent and his ghost hung around the 68 election

I think he looked pained because Peggy was stealing one of his lines and he realized he created this monster.

I'm on the borderline on Coopers line about "Nixon not running against Johnson, but Kennedy's Ghost". I'm not sure if its in the category of "Back to the Future's" "Whose the president, Ronald Reagan THE ACTOR" or if its in the much shittier category of "Ted' "Chris Brown can do no wrong"

Yeah, Don's face when heard Peggy steal that line was priceless, Half heartbreak, Half "oh shit what have I wrought"?

I've just noticed that the fashion on Mad Men is becoming very "Anchorman". I half expected the two ad agencies awkward moment outside the Heinz pitch, to turn into a full on street brawl that included tridents and a man on a horse. May I also add that Stan looks exactly like Ron Burgundy during his kicked off the

I also love wonderwall alot of people like to mock it, especially ever since radiohead made of fun of it concert but I think its great. The album is soaring and fun songs like Don't Look Back in Anger, Some Might Say, Roll with it

Yeah, why the hell isn't "By the Way" covered in Podmass even though its only had 8 episodes I think by virtue of the quality of the guests it has, it is the best podcast out there right now. The Larry David interview single-handily  validates the existence of podcasts.