subpar US adaptation of a witt

I loved when they coined the term "kidnapmeat" when describing a character played by a young Kaley Cuco and when they made fun of themselves for referencing  obscure character actors.

And you know what, I was ashamed to admit this but fuck it, I fucking loved and still love Whats the Story Morning Glory. Its catchy as hell, for an 8 yr old is was much more accessible than the dark, nihilistic themes of bands like Nirvana and Alice in Chains, I mean really if you liked Nirvana's Nevermind as a third

For Me its Green Day Dookie and Beastie Boys License to ILL. I don't care how much eyeliner Billy Joe Armstrong puts on or how many riffs they steal, I will always love Dookie (haha I said I love dookie) without a doubt the best ever "Pop Punk" album. Beastie Boys License to Ill is the perfect intro to hip hop, a true

I always get bothered when Women say how attracted they are to Don Draper. I think "but he treats women so shitty"! While watching his speech he gave to Linda Cardelini, I get it now, dudes a stone cold pimp

I agree but when did we start calling "Sunny"" IASIP"? Took me a minute to figure out what IASIP stood for

Well they had the rights for Peep Show and Mitchell and Webb Look for a few years until HULU bought them and they kept shuffling around, they show them on Fridays then Wednesdays. I guess I'm just frustrated with BBC America in general. They're sitting on a ton of great programming yet only want to show antique

Mugging has to be my favorite episode of the entire series, as its the first one I saw, It was  on BBC America's random showings of Peep Show, Once Mark had a line comparing his erection to Globalization I was hooked, and BBC America get your shit together.

The problem is that we never see Pam calmly and rationally state out her concerns to Jim, she goes along with it and seems fine with it until they had that fight, even then she simply said "oh I'm being selfish" I think shes been pretty awful for just going along this whole as if she's fine with it.

I actually looked up Jim Rash IMDB page because I did'nt remember him being on the show

Its amazing that even The Office's cheap fat joke is poorly written, as Pam and Kevin (who is fatter than Stanley) walk up the stairs with no complaint,and I don't know all the particulars of diabetics with heart conditions but I do know, they don't respond well to being shot with a tranquilizer dart. And Jim can't

Holy Shit that's amazing, That's the British comedy equivalent of that picture of Dj Jazzy Jeff, Will Smith, Kid and Play and Michael Jordan

OOOOH,I think proclaiming Taxi Driver the best film of 1976, is even bolder move than your Meth cooking business Heisenberg. I think Network might be better and Rocky is pretty great too.

I was genuinely shocked. I was under the assumption that she was high school age during Freaks and Geeks, and she always voicing teenage girls on  animated shows, so it just seems weird to me shes a few years from forty,

But what bothered me is that in this show of cynical broken people, she was one of the few genuine characters , I think he innocence was a good counterbalance for the show, it needs some good people on the show and to me at least,  she's coming off as kinda of a shit but perhaps she may just be that way with her

you know me too well mexican blade runner

I think she's the best, even though she is completely oblivious to Dons existential crisis.

Uggh, even the title card to "Kathy" is seemingly try to co-opt gay culture, Hey straight female performers (Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Lady Gaga) gays have it hard enough quit stealing from them

Umm Major League and The Sandlot would like a word

"She looks lovely" "Jesus, I dint know you guys were the Fucking Nancy Appreciation society" Also, the Wedding episode starts a great reoccurring gag of Jeremy dancing alone. There's a great scene in I think season 5 after Marks birthday that ends with Jez dancing alone.

" I was going to tell an anedocte about how He had to run naked through a hotel lobby, but that might lead to  suicide amongst some of you who thought this was Olymous itself and we were witnessing the union of the gods"