subpar US adaptation of a witt

I dedicate this jump to fathers everywhere, may there sons jump them in some way, and Frank I'm gonna get you better you piece of shit

I dedicate this jump to fathers everywhere, may there sons jump them in some way, and Frank I'm gonna get you better you piece of shit

How much better would "That's my boy" be if Nicolas Cage played his father. And Andy was doing his Get in the Cage" impersonation

How much better would "That's my boy" be if Nicolas Cage played his father. And Andy was doing his Get in the Cage" impersonation

As a self respecting Englishman Lane would have been mortified by the amount of trouble his colleagues have to go through to cut him down. He would have been so embarrassed he would have died again.

As a self respecting Englishman Lane would have been mortified by the amount of trouble his colleagues have to go through to cut him down. He would have been so embarrassed he would have died again.

I can't trust you anymore…. says the guy with the Dead Man's name and identity

I can't trust you anymore…. says the guy with the Dead Man's name and identity

Don't blame av club, blame matt weiner who is so completely obessed with guarding secrets that he doesn't send out screeners or allow even semi coherent scenes into the previews for next week.

Don't blame av club, blame matt weiner who is so completely obessed with guarding secrets that he doesn't send out screeners or allow even semi coherent scenes into the previews for next week.

I can't be the only one who though tat Comedy Bang Bang was terrible this week right? Don't get me wrong Kyle Dunnigan's story about thinking he had aids/getting boner were hilarious. But the rest of the episode just fell flat. The characters were awful, and I noticed that Sarah Silverman  isn't really funny on

I can't be the only one who though tat Comedy Bang Bang was terrible this week right? Don't get me wrong Kyle Dunnigan's story about thinking he had aids/getting boner were hilarious. But the rest of the episode just fell flat. The characters were awful, and I noticed that Sarah Silverman  isn't really funny on

Looks like their about to rip the lid off it.

Looks like their about to rip the lid off it.

"Jewish Fireworks" or "Fratboy guru D-Bag Chopra"

"Jewish Fireworks" or "Fratboy guru D-Bag Chopra"

Let era of Kennan Begin!

Let era of Kennan Begin!

SERIOUSLY, WHY THE HELL IS"NT THERE A REAL LEONARD FOOD REVIEW FOOD CHANNEL??? and also I loved  everything about the reoccurring bit with the yard long margaritas First Gilbert's robot like  description  at the end of estate planning. to the board members sweet abbreviation "Yard Margs at Skeevers"?? Skeevers best

SERIOUSLY, WHY THE HELL IS"NT THERE A REAL LEONARD FOOD REVIEW FOOD CHANNEL??? and also I loved  everything about the reoccurring bit with the yard long margaritas First Gilbert's robot like  description  at the end of estate planning. to the board members sweet abbreviation "Yard Margs at Skeevers"?? Skeevers best