subpar US adaptation of a witt

If you hit up, down, up down, left right, left,left, right you unlock the unlimited heath cheat which prevents Community from dying at the hands of heartless NBC executives


@avclub-5a45f16563236f96d30394f10a233b05:disqus But that's what I'm saying no is faster than Carolla but Half the time I dunno If I'm gonna get that, One episode could be brilliant but the next episode has a 40 min chunk of him complaining about something his cleaning lady did. And while I like his newer Cohost

That story 20 years later would inspire a young Thom Yorke and Radionhead's 2014 album Track "Bolt goes in, Bolt goes out

Hey she was great in her guest role on Modern Family

I know they're "podcast" people but how hard is it to point and shoot a camera in a tight shot. I mean really. And those friends' of Arsenio that wouldn't give him money. One of them has to be Eddie Murphy right?

The thing with Super is that Rain WIlson is just insane, where Frank is sane but just frustrated and fed up, plus God Bless America is funny and can actually mix comedy and drama

Aubdrey o Day "Anyone who calls me transparent, Fuck you, I am not transparent" Oh God Audbrey, you're so fucking dumb

Jizz in my pants and I"m on a boat are tied for me as both best  digital shorts and best life experiences

Whoa, I would'nt say you missed nothing. The line about "eating so many LGBT BLTS" was almost worth the mediocrity of the skit

I actually thought this was a really good episode, at least a B. Granted. there were no standout, breakout sketch, but none of the sketches were terrible and that's a win for SNL these days. I usually hate the Forte/Sudekis golf commentators but I think that's because the skit inexplicably popped up every week, when

Oh my GOD, I would watch the shit out of that show, can Esai Morales play Greer's rough-edged but soft on the inside love interest

Hey cut it out Chris Andersen, its that type of talk that got you in trouble and made you miss the playoffs

Yeah why the hell doesn't ABC cancel that show on fox

A.V clubbers who not only don't like community but have never even seen it?? Tranquilize and tag them boys,they need to be studied, these rare commenters have been spoken of but never seen it the wild.


Their riff on the guy going to court in a karate outfit was amazing

In 5 minute increments, Adam Carolla is one of the funniest people on the planet, Many comedians have stated he's one of the greatest improvisers in the game but God Damn is he insufferable the more he keeps talking. Can't we please hook him up with some coworkers who are'nt ass kissing psychopath who are desperately

1. Acknowledge that Michael Scott did in fact exist, I think there was only one mention of Michael this season,its just weird to act like he never existed.. Make Kevin act like a human being again, give Daryl more to do than react to all these wacky white people, Season long story arcs, fmore episodes that take place

Let's pull an Andrew Breitbart on season 8,even though we all know deep down that this season was one of the worst things ever, let's try to find some good in it. What were some things that worked this season? The only episode I liked start to finish was "Trivia"  Some bits that  killed were Bursting the balloon cold