subpar US adaptation of a witt

For this Interview, Chris Lilley Played the part of himself, Jesse Thorn and the Tape Recorder.

The superhero costumes refer to the super hero pajamas Gran makes for the boys at  the Juvie where she works

The Michael Ian Black episode is really good, It turns out Black is far different from his smug asshole persona and is actually pretty nice thoughtful guy

I thought Maron did'nt push Gallagher enough, he gave Gallagher enough rope to hang himself, when he very slightly pushed Gallagher he freaked out.

Think its time for new favorite shows guv'nah, may i suggest Life and Times of Tim

also car commercials have a surprisingly high amount of good indie music


Many moons ago, some of the kingdom, talked of a yellow haired white knight ascending upon the kingdom to capture the vacant throne, he was aided well by an old medicine man named  Dre. Alas, while at the peak of his powers the white knight was slain by the evil Dark Lord Perceset

It doesn't its just more of a gauge of what people are watching/excited about. Notice how Walking dead and Breaking Bad have like hundreds and hundres of discussions, I 'm just saying if a show can't even generate discussion or buzz  on a site like the A.V club, where people come to talk about 15 year old episodes of

Just ask the fellas down at Thompson Monocle Repairs, they'll tell that I am easily shocked. My comment wasn't trying to state that people were shocked that it BTD was canceled but that it was a show that wasn't that good a lot of the time, it was given many chances by HBO and it had a super specific, narrow

So many people saying Bored to Death was "brilliant" Let's keep take it down a bit, it was a entertaining  cast but too hit and miss to be brilliant and where the hell were you people when this show was on? Even on the A.V club recaps, there was only like 20 reasonable discussions about Bored

I'm shocked, SHOCKED!! That Bored to Death an  wildly inconsistent show whose humor mostly centers around jokes about the gentrification of Brooklyn, didn't catch on to a national audience.

Nathan Rabin cancelled his netflix?

Charlene YI by far amusing in Knocked Up but really annoying with her whole weird girl schtick. While Jonah Hill's comedies aren't that original or are mediocre, Yi's paper heart was an abomination

Best quality in a horse is discretion.

I would also like to make MBMBAM refrences but I'm moderating a panel at the Phat Beach conference and opening up an ironic good burger. TEENS

I love the ridiculous name drop with that ping noise and how its very ineffective for some of the actors CREWS!!!!! as in Terry Crews the badass actor from White Girls, Balls of Fury Benchwarmers and Everybody hates Chris

Really!? Not a single mention of SNL's I wish it were Christmas today, It's so goofy and fun and it takes me back to watching Morgan,Fallon ,Sanz and Kattan in their matching sweaters dancing like idiots. Julian Casblancas of the Strokes actually did a  oretty good cover of it

I just discovered MBMBAM last month and it instantly became my favorite podcast ever. I listened to like 20 some episodes in a month, they mentioned on one ep some guy listening to 27 eps in 2 weeks. I think it hasn't broke big like some of the more popular podcasts because they aren't celebs or comedians and its

Tompkins said it would'nt be bi monthy there probably will be a new next month