subpar US adaptation of a witt

I did'nt care for this episode, I feel that it was building to an end that never materialized, Also because I really did want to see the gang get revenge. Not for their sakes but because that main bully was smug as fuck. I think this may be the first sunny episode where the title is factually incorrect.

Still no My Brother, My Brother and Me, get on it A.V club not for our sake but for yours

I'm glad to know that I am not alone in reading not one but two recaps of a somewhat obscure art reality show.

With Lola its like pick one persona and stick to it, you can't be the snarky mean girl, putting down the other artists and their work and then turn around and cry.

I took a little too much pleasure in watching Lola being eliminated. Lola and not the Sucklord was the villain of the season. She was such a bitch but even worse she pretend  that she didn't realize she was being a bitch. Like during her crit where she was clearly insulting Dustys piece but backtracked that statement

I gots to call bullshit A.V club too many of these flicks are smaller movies that were seen by about 100 people. I melt with you, Undefeated, passion play, love wedding marriage, etc. Yes, they may bad enough to warrant a spot on the list. But I think these types of list should be reserved to call out the crap that

I'm geling

Your Highness was movie execs saying, I like this Eastbound and Down but its just too funny. At least it has the decency to let you now its going to suck from the title credits, where Danny Mcbride narrates all these wacky shenanigans their getting into with lines like "we're safe and totally stoned"

I don't think I want to live in a world where Bucky Larson is only the 4th worst movie of the year.

I had the exact opposite reaction to Hot Tub Time Machine, It was'nt absurd or over the top enough, The ridiculousness promised by the title never fully materializes and once you get passed the novelty of its time travel plot, its just a generic comedy. Plus one scene that angered my blood good, was when Craig

The sight of Charlie's disgusting ,yellow, pizza dough like underwear will haunt my dreams

I can't believe anybody would enjoy this comedy relic that was only funny in the early 2000s, NOW BRING ON THAT NAPOLEON DYNAMITE SHOW THAT LOOKS AMAZING

It's a pretty impressive that they could make such a good episode of a plot line they've done at least 3 times (krusty losing his show). I loved the movie parody especially cause I'm a sucker for that "Creep" cover

you can see the arrows too? Agent Smith to Base, we have one who woke up.

is'nt that the point of their "raw, fuzzy" sound all these indie bands want

Who would have thought that the first week Podmass stops reviewing Adam Carolla's podcast was the first time something noteworthy or interesting happened in months, with Carolla's obnoxious, retarded occupy wall street rant making the rounds on the blogsphere

or splitsider in general (even though its great)

Cool story bro

Glad to see CBB and HWYW (acronyms Amirite?) get good reviews, now maybe Aukerman and Klausner won't lose their shit, when one of their shows gets a mildly tepid review. I mean you think they would be glad to be getting (mostly) positive press week to week. I mean 99% of the time both shows get glowing reviews and the

So no mention of his job at the lumberyard?