
Seriously. My kittens are killing me.

Oh, Tiger, you haven't even started getting old yet. You'll get there faster if you don't move around though. It's some kind of sooper technical time-physics thing.

Dusty sasquatch.

ARGH. Nightmare. Sorry!!

Well, I watched Blade Runner until the narration started. Then I just wished for a neon umbrella for a while.

Woot!! I have zero complaints about Androids. Welcome to the future!!

Wellllllll.. I tuned in for the middle third of this episode and was mostly appalled by it. I LOVE Lieb Schreiber more than I love at least two thirds of the leading-man types and I STILL could not get past the mallet-to-the-head that the writing was impossibly fragmented and lost up its own ass. I moved on to feel

Oh. Ha. I meant "a".

Naw. I sexed-up Corey Feldman.

Yah. I was watching it last night (I'm about a two-episode-a-season type viewer) when my husbandguy walked in and said, "Why are you watching this?" and I realized I…did…not…know…why.

Finally saw this right after I adopted a pair of kittens, which is perfect timing. Now I have a previously undiscovered yearning for a Bob Ross biopic…

Finally saw this right after I adopted a pair of kittens, which is perfect timing. Now I have a previously undiscovered yearning for a Bob Ross biopic…

Excellent news!!

Me disliked the way it mangled pronouns for the tots.

Me disliked the way it mangled pronouns for the tots.

Hey there, Eldan!! Have some ZALAD!!

Aw, thanks Craig!! That's clearly from the lovely side of 1996.

That sadistic 1996. [shakes head] It strung me along and deceived me. It shoved me into a snow globe of suck and shook it hard all year.

Fuck 1996.

Oh Gross. I watched Paula "Squealy" Deen on the Today show this morning. Even with the sound off, I could see what a douchefest she was having with Lauer. She started to cry about how much support she's getting from the Jackson Five (probably just a tweet from Tito, such a twit) and she apparently had the foresight to