
I have to admit, I never paid attention. I kinda thought it was just another song about buttrape.

Also on: "Extreme Weight Loss" a couple of football players motivate a 410 pound amputee.

This is a very spooky thread. Like no one can read anyone else…

I'm still convinced that Bob is a killer. Maybe not a killer of people…

Beautiful review, Todd. I am sending you a Hershey Bar!!

…and he gives Don Bob's lungs!!

I share your concern for the growing gals - I have a few. I don't think Real Sluts tv attracts women particularly. It attracts the bored and the stupid of all sexes.

What did it? The furry guy?

Wow. That was painful.

Totally worth the minutes of your undead life, my pretties!!

You probably don't need one more person to recommend The Sopranos, but I will anyhow. I do NOT recommend glut watching the first season in one weekend, however. And STRONGLY CAUTION against it if breastfeeding!!

It's okay. I watch Royal Pains while drinking mojitos.

Oooo yeah. That mudbaby. EW!!!

Pfft. I'm almost fifty and you would wear my sweaty underwear.

Hey, at least he didn't beat her up. Probably didn't.

Dickweasel, dickwheezer, dickvarmit, dicktastic, dickensian, yup, spell checker just doesn't know dick.

Heh. Wasn't "The Island" a Logan's Run remake?

No need to apologize to old people who got to STAND IN LINE to see Star Wars when it was an ACTUAL MOVIE EVENT enstuph.

You go, Pa!! I have deferred to my children and now only call idiots FUCKING WINDOWLICKERS. Everyone is happy.

Thanks!! That reminds me, I'm going to change my dog's name to FRISKY DINGO so that I can shout his name out my back door and upset the bad neighbors.