
This is getting ubiquious!!

Fwew!! I'm glad he's still alive in there.

Orlando Jones? Well, okay then.

Did anyone else have the feeling that Walt had hurt Holly before making that call? There was something sinister about the framing of the shot. It made no sense, but it felt like all bets were off and I was freaking out!!

BBC America started running Orphan Black again last night. I watched the first episode (again) and noticed that they establish every character's vulnerability by literally showing their ass. True to form, Felix's ass reveal was the most fun.

Radio DJs need to make someone die of self-induced "water poisoning" or GTFO.

I'm pretty sure that reality shows have been exposed as pseudo-reality. People wouldn't REALLY bitch at someone who is remodeling their house for free, ferinstance.

I guess when you back up it does make sense that Dexter goes through women like tissues, but yeah, I always hate his "romances."

He's writing it on bicycle chains, that's so imaginative!!

Believe me - I really need the P. All the Ps.

I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same group of psychopants every time.

I thought their case of the week for beer seasons were cute. I guess it really got worse when they stopped harping on his yogurt habit and no, wait, it got more bad when Nate came back. That's my story!!

I'm just hanging on to see Bruce Campbell's shirts. So shallow.

I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow and I'm pretty sure Fiona didn't get whacked last week…

I'm sure her Cajun-Salem will be worth the wait!!

Ever get so tired that watching mattress commercials is way better than porn?

*Nods sagely*

Update: I am too lazy to "like" all the stuff I like around here. Consider yourselves liked.

True, but it's a pretty movie with pretty Fassbender.

So last night we were half watching the ninja competition when my daughter says, "Let's watch Orange is the New Black!! I'll re-start it with you." Now somehow I have very little knowledge of this show, except that Donna may be leaving and there might be lesbians. It starts up and I see "Jenji Kohan" and I look at my