Todd DiLaMuca

I had a girlfriend named Claire for a while, that didn't curb it either. (We're both white.)

I had a girlfriend named Claire for a while, that didn't curb it either. (We're both white.)

The Netflixed version of the episode keeps it intact. My favorite part, after about 7 nesting-dolled flashbacks: Steven Keaton: [ sighs ] Oh, boy.. and to think that Jennifer is dying.. Hey, but we've had some great times together! Remember the last time we all watched TV together?

The Netflixed version of the episode keeps it intact. My favorite part, after about 7 nesting-dolled flashbacks: Steven Keaton: [ sighs ] Oh, boy.. and to think that Jennifer is dying.. Hey, but we've had some great times together! Remember the last time we all watched TV together?

"Homer, that's very rude!" 
"What? … D'OH!"

"Homer, that's very rude!" 
"What? … D'OH!"

No Hold Steady?

No Hold Steady?

That's from 2 1/2

That's from 2 1/2

I definitely noticed that. Made me chuckle.

I definitely noticed that. Made me chuckle.

The version that aired was their first and only take, because nobody could stand to do a second one. Heartbreaking.

The version that aired was their first and only take, because nobody could stand to do a second one. Heartbreaking.

I think they attribute that gag to Conan O'Brien in the commentary.

I think they attribute that gag to Conan O'Brien in the commentary.

One of them told me to 'take my head out of my bottom' and get back to work…heeheehee, my BOTTOM!

"Why do they always…." 
"Why do they always…"

It's funny cuz I don't know him!

"Lookin' for a little… spot o' fun with the missus, eh guv'nuh?"
"Shut up, boy."