
Despite Jess actually doing something worthwhile about the annoyingly zany things that keep getting her in trouble she doesn't need or want, I still can't shake the feeling that she's the weakest part of this show even as its apparently close to ending (hopefully not). I mean…Cece and Schmidt are wonderfully weird and

I hope someone in Snoop’s camp jumps on this opportunity and creates a prison-shaped boxset of his discography to sell, 'cause…I'd most definitely at the very least consider being a few and giving them out.

Wow, he seems to have found a super-powered shovel to dig himself deeper into an already Daredevil-Season 2-cliffhanger-like hole.

I was going to barge in here, kicking the door down with a flaming keyboard in hand, and yell about critics mostly loving the Marvel/Netflix shows…and of course it's in the very beginning of the article.

I saw two Bill Burr comedy specials, one better than the other by a mile (and also a lot more cleaned up despite him still coming off as a ginger Captain Haddock at times, to my delight), and then saw Neal Brennan's 3 Mics again…which really is a bummer and quite funny at the same time. I don't remember if I've done

Really liked the Mary Elizabeth Winstead rumour, but she can easily get any other part in a movie like this (or just keep being great in other things). Was intrigued by the Janelle Monáe rumour and was disappointed to see it debunked so quickly. Not mad at all at Zazie getting the part, that could turn out really

Goddammit, who gave HBO the idea to hire Frank Ocean for their promotional content? That woodworking thing with Apple Music was interesting thanks to the music, and obviously Frank being quite skilled, but this?

If everything that's happening wasn't so incredibly dangerous it'd be funny to point out that he sure seems to watch A LOT of CNN despite hating it so much. We know he doesn't exactly care about intelligence briefings and that whatever Fox says gets tweeted by him pretty quickly, so everything he says about CNN must

Whenever Logan is done at the theaters we're going to get a new batch of interviews where Mangold, Stewart, and Jackman, will be free from thinking about spoilers and just say "It'd be stupid. You saw the film. You saw what happens. It'd be really, really stupid." Kinda wish they could say that now, too.

It's all just a real-life Kobayashi Maru:
• Hiring based on skin colour shouldn't happen but representation matters in both intellectual and really stupid ways: the people who believe the "he can't be racist, he hired a black guy" crap need it, and the kids who need to see themselves in all kinds of jobs and careers

Right? It's one of those "that's too random to actually be random" things, but…it's probably just really random. Unless they cast Fillion as Cable or something.

Having seen it, a post-credits scene would've made no sense for a movie like that. And yet I waited because a bunch of websites claimed there was one. Bunch of bastards. As if I didn't leave the cinema sad enough.

Firefly posters so the year is 2002, Superman booth (which means this is in 1998, I guess?) gag and theme, Logan playing at the theatre so the year is 2017, Logan poster there too obviously, Stan Lee sighting, ”Man In Motion” after Deadpool yells at Stan Lee, Cable reference, some Ben & Jerry's, rambling retelling of

Kanye West is a producer, too. It wouldn't strike me as surprising if that's what his contribution here was.

1. I like this headline. It's very succinct and direct. Frankly, it's perfect. Well done.
2. …Is this not the video where he says "We're soon going to have a one-party system."…? I can't imagine what would be a bigger red flag just a day or so after locking major media outlets out of a briefing.
3. Isn't saying

Goddammit, you just HAD to add that Captain Marvel quip at the end and completely ruin the stupid joke I was going to make?!

Sure we do, but it manifests itself in a variety of effective ways: some of us play hockey, we're pretty great at passive-aggression (as demonstrated by our former PM in his article for the Washington Post today), and it's both dark and really cold for four months every year so we're just generally annoyed at life

Update from Sweden: we're still alright, nothing has really happened since he mentioned us, and we categorically do not think he's right. In fact, we seem more furious than ever because the thing he's got going about us is getting entangled in the authoritarian crap he's pulling here.

That damn picture always gets me, especially after he rapped about making his son be Republican so people would know he loves white people. Anyway…