
Of course Bill Maher takes credit for this, that's quite on-brand as far as I know. I wonder what he'll think when his own, not far from being similar, sentiments on the subject get properly scrutinized. » https://twitter.com/wyatt_p…

I thought this station was non-operational. Goddammit. You can't trust anyone these days.

JJ really sells his curiosity here, more than I thought he would be able to. Also enjoy seeing Daisy Ridley not quite be able to keep a straight face in the end. Good fun.

As a Swede…this thing got really weird really quick and it seems to be getting weirder as President Orange doubling down. The stories the Fox News story is based on are all, seemingly, vast exaggerations and oftentimes just plain made up, and the two cops interviewed in the Fox News video spoke to a major Swedish

I started playing piano at the Swedish Culture School when I was five, stayed there for 12 years while switching instruments, and have been working quite close to music in general for most of my life. And yet…I have such a hard time with musicals, I can't even begin to tell you. I always end up feeling like Flynn in

My favourite part of following The Good Place has shifted gradually since I started watching it, while not remembering why I started as soon as it premiered, and I think that's a big reason to why I'm almost disappointed by how great the finale was since…well…I want to see what happens in Season 2 immediately. That's

Didn't say he died or lost though, more the contrary. I was just using "die" as an example since it's happened before rather than this time around. =) Should've been clearer

Throughout all of these movies my understanding of the use of villains hasn't really been one that has, in my view, lent itself to the theory of there being a problem. I'd maybe get the reasoning behind this if I as a viewer desperately wanted a Big Bad for each movie, but I don't because this would in the long run

I was so happy. Jake and Amy with their mutual "I love you so much", Rosa with her super-smiley persona freaking Terry out, Holt calling Jake "son" and rapping with him, the entire team cracking the case with wit and cool and style….and then, the twist of the plot and…Greg and Larry. Damn you, Nine-Nine!

Vic was such a pain in the ass, though…thanks for reminding me, haha.

Three minutes in and I'm already sick of this episode because it's doing that super-annoying thing again, which I was sick of in the last episode too, and was perfectly summed up by Jess herself:

"Jess, I told you to leave it alone!"

I'd love it if the only response written to the New Yorker piece was basically just "Deadpool is Canadian" and…well, yeah.

I mean, it's still funny but since you asked: Royal Stockholm Museum (that's what Holt said, right?) isn't a thing, the average Swede speaks Swedish and passable English with Spanish/French/German as an option in middle/high school, we definitely DO NOT share that much personal info with our co-workers (unless we got

Before I read this review, I must say…as a Swede, damn near nothing supposedly Swedish mentioned in this episode is, actually, Swedish. I am, however, impressed by the fact that the actual actors both had Swedish names, and generally Swedish attitudes save for the obvious exaggerations (we are a very guarded people,

I'm only halfway through this episode and don't really know if I want to keep watching. Nothing Phil has done even remotely deserves the punishments he's suffering here, it's just…pretty cruel and not even that funny? I'm trying to understand the point of it but it just seems outlandishly bullish. Didn't expect that

While impressive, I would've honestly been heartbreakingly disappointed if Conan had been bad at this after three years of working with The Simpsons and 30 years of being Conan O'Brien professionally.

Exactly, that basically sets everything in motion.

Good on ya. This is how I try to view it as well, even though it obviously bothers me that there's a 10-month long pause to all of this now and that this'll happen again next year, and the next year, and the next. When it's all done, it's going to be immense, and the crazy thing that a lot of people do appreciate but

I knew about Tyrion killing them way before the show got to it, and I haven't read the books. So, I can tell you: I bought why Tyrion killed them anyway. Basically: Tywin gives Tyrion constant shit about Shae, Tyrion nearly drives himself insane to save her and hide their relationship out of fear for what Tywin might