
Well, here's the thing: George R.R. Martin is not your bitch. He'll finish it when he's ready to finish it.

Oh, thank you so, so, so much for this. The original ending just destroyed everything I felt for the show. This, this is how I wanted it to end.

Now that I've slept on it, and tried having the TV on during the two syndicated How I Met Your Mother episodes that run every weekday on Swedish television, I really can't shake the feeling that…yeah, they ruined it. They fucking ruined it, because all I can think of now when I watch those episodes is that he meets

It just felt like they had Ted meet Tracy, rush through his beautiful life with her and be happier than ever, only to lose her. And it happened so quickly, and her kids barely react, and Ted rushes back to Robin. I mean…it feels wrong, is all. Like a crutch for the showrunners to use in order to get Ted back with

Exactly. They made it look like this, Ted and Tracy, this is what all of this mess has been about. Every damn bullshit episode was worth it, to me, when Tracy came in to the show and just…worked. Perfectly. The constant chase after Robin worked when Ted finally met Tracy. And I just can't shake my disappointment in

I think, at least I believe that I do, that I followed this show from the very start. I thought it was weird, but funny. And kinda cute. And sappily romantic. So it all felt relatable. I've been sticking with it since then because I genuinely liked it, despite the really crappy episodes filled with (rarely) odd racial

I wrote this three months ago after an episode, figuring that it'd all blow up in Lily's face before the show is over, and here we are:

…holy shit…ZOMBIE NINJAS!

Riddle me this: did this episode do anything at all to deserve a place in the very final season (supposedly) of How I Met Your Mother? Did it bring any further insight to the going on's of the group before the wedding, or about The Mother? Did it serve any real and significant purpose, story-wise? Did it do anything

I've realised that, after watching every episode of this show out so far and reading about them here afterwards, The Blacklist will never receive a higher score than a C+. Even if it somehow accomplishes Breaking Bad-levels of awesome hereon after.

While I quite enjoyed this episode and, being Swedish, laughed heartily at the awful English spoken by the NORWEGIANS, there's nothing Swedish about this episode. Sweden isn't mentioned, no Swedish is spoken, the characters aren't Swedish, the events don't transpire in Sweden. So, I don't get, at all, why the reviewer

This is going to sound _very_ blinded by the patriarchy, but I'm really starting to resent Lily.

Haha, fair enough. I'm just happy to have Castiel around.

Wasn't that fake crying? Like, in a fake setting, with Misha playing Castiel playing Misha playing Castiel playing Misha, rather than just Misha playing Castiel?

That very last scene with Castiel…goddammit, that sucked to see. I'm pretty sure he's going to cry for the first time ever in the next episode, and it's going to destroy me. Damn you, Misha.

Alright. So. I've been reading comments for an hour or so now, right after watching the episode, and I thank you all for thoroughly entertaining me. My only comment, at this point, is regarding the annoyance over the lack of common sense screwing everyone over every now and then: I don't really see anything wrong with

rats. that part of the fence had tons of dead rats in front of them, that's why they stayed there and kept pushing and why they couldn't be moved.

Rick Grimes: Zombie Apocalypse Adonis.

Sure, they've invested a lot of money in making it as close to cinema quality as possible. But let me tell you: "flysbålog" isn't a Swedish word. It's not even really close to a Swedish word: http://m.imgur.com/NhMRoZl

I'm down with this. Double Ron can't be a bad thing, especially when Other Ron is just as manly as Ron while being everything Ron hates. I think Other Ron would be amazing to have around just to see what that'd do to Ron.