
The only reasonable answer would be "absolutely, when you're nearly as good as Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle.". Can't imagine that'd be an income quality issue either, I think you'd be hard pressed to find too many people who believe she's in the same league as those two.

Well…yeah, Beric Dondarrion is The Last Jedi. You saw the flaming sword in the trailers. Duh.

I've been a Swede for…well, all my life…and have honestly never been even slightly tempted to try that thing. Swedes seem to love tacos though, but I doubt what counts as Mexican food here would enrage most Mexicans. And I can't even say we love pies that much either to be honest…dunno where he gets that from.

So we're getting a goddamn TV series about Black Widow's family before we get to see her in a standalone film? C'mon!

Oh, I've always wanted to give Supernatural any kind of R-rated treatment. And now that I think about it, Tom and Ron can be older hunters and we can keep Jensen and Jared in there too.

So…R-Rated Supernatural movie, but with Tom and Ron as older Sam and Dean Winchester?

Roth and Cameron and Kirkman sound just fine, but more importantly: they've got Questlove and Black Thought working with Shea Serrano. That's going to be gold. Gold, Jerry!

Oh, cool. I'll probably watch this. And I'll probably keep watching The Simpsons, laughing every now and then instead of always. And I'll definitely keep wishing for more Futurama, despite it having the rarest of television feats: a decent final episode.

Halle Berry is super-dreamy. And hella cool. That's all I've got to say.

This looks…quite excellent, right? They've really honed in on everything each set piece is truly great at: Leto is a bit insufferable so he gets to be robotic, Ford is great at a lot but rarely greater than when he's not only curmudgeon-y but equally angry and paranoid, Gosling does his quite/loud thing amazingly well

Appalling behaviour from Delta, treating paying customers differently like that. She should've been dragged out just as much as that doctor, perhaps kicked out too, maybe punched a few times for causing a scene, and arrested for endangering the lives of the people placed in her seat and the safety of the aircraft.

This is bound to be really dark and maybe even a bit too graphic and endlessly brooding and hyperviolent and just all out a goddamn mess.

It's honestly just upsetting, y'know? As if the show wasn't upsetting enough. Goddammit.

I obviously understand that everyone has one of these comments in them, since taste and opinion are subjective matters and shouldn't be seen as general consensus of any kind, but…I don't think I've ever been moved by a show as much as The Leftovers, quite often, absolutely gutted me. It saddens me to no end that those

I mean…they would deny it, wouldn't they? As much as a I long to see a huge company just flat out admit to bad things when they're cornered, it's just not going to happen. Now, back to this »Orangade« album by Beytwice.


This is horrible news and I'm not happy about Jerrod robbing me of my yearly blinding rage at the cluelessness of NBC by deciding to leave himself. Goddammit.

Haha, thank you. Stockholm is usually full of Americans during the summers and they're all of the almost annoyingly kind variation, so…I dunno…I'll heed your warning, but still leave the doors open.

It's honestly nothing short of unreal, being a fan of Killer Mike and El-P for close to 15 years and seeing all of these amazing things happen to them. They're total sweethearts in real life too, at least most of the time.

You honestly should, even if things do calm down. Seeing shit like this is just terrifying and I'd honestly urge everyone with roots in other countries to dig around and see if dual passports are an option. I went through hell and high water to ensure I could keep my second citizenship without having to enlist or