apples apples apples

Joseph Smith was called a prophet
dum dum dum dum dum!

I always loved Conan's little jabs at NBC (even before they screwed him over)… I'm sure he'll find even more fodder in TBS.


And then Frodo threw the one ring into the Strawberryfire…

Something tells me he's not completely sticking to the Code Of Harry in this show…

I thought it was a funny bit. No one else agrees with me.

I need to stop reading these articles
I always get such horrible songs stuck in my head…

*hums the Haunting Torgo Theme to himself*

but that's a Paul McCartney song

Best casting since that episode of Arrested Development with the Andy Richter quintuplets.

The final two tracks, "See You Later" and "Half Right", are both Heatmiser songs.

And heck, I'd even say musically.

Don't know if I'm alone on this, but I find the early version of Miss Misery to be far superior to the version that ended up in Good Will Hunting, at least lyrically.

Has anyone else noticed that the ending of nearly every Everclear song is a combination of the song's hook line and the word 'yeah'?

Agh someone beat me to it, i wasn't paying attention :(

See, this is how it starts. First with the jokes, then comes the heavy stuff.

Yeah, Bender's Big Score was the best of the four. Probably the only good and memorable one. Hopefully with the new season on Comedy Central, they can hit their stride again, now that they're able to be more episodic and no longer have to drag their ideas out to 90 minutes.

Blonde terrorist lady
Blonde terrorist lady was horrible. I can't tell if it was horribly acted or just horribly written, but every thing she said was just… annoying and implausible to the point of cheesiness.

LCD Soundsystem. Awesome.

There's an episode where Eli and Torres investigate an African woman who released a book and was outspoken about some atrocities that she claims she faced at the hands of her government. As it turns out, she's kind of a fraud. The stories are true, but they didn't happen to her, she's just more well-spoken than the