apples apples apples

I would love to see Hum. I've gotten into them just within the past couple years.

I can kinda see that side too. Like maybe they were placed there to show that Lightman was reading her and kinda making her just another one of his cases for a moment… but I feel like he actually was being a concerned parent just like any other, except that he knows scientifically what most parents would know

I just didn't think it fit the tone of the scene.

lol celebrities
I thought it felt kinda inappropriate to close out that scene with Emily by cutting to the famous people clips. On the show they're usually used, in a sense, to call a character out on their B.S., in a way that we're basically rooting for at that point. But I mean, this a tense moment between our

Haha whoops. Kinda repeated myself there.

Shins frontman + Danger Mouse
Sounds like a recipe to make a follow-up album to The Postal Service's debut. Because The Postal Service themselves seem to be unwilling to do so themselves.

she's just bein' Miley.

Iron & Wine.

"Side note: While he will never be the greatest actor you've never heard of, or even a top rated guest star, Curtis Armstrong is really underrated. He's a thousand times better than the roles he gets, and it's always nice to see him pop up. "

I'm gonna write a song called "Stairway To Heaven". But my guitar's gonna have THREE necks.

Gregory Threepwood
Did the rapping scene remind anyone else of Monkey Island? I was sure they were going to break into "A Pirate I Was Meant To Be" at some point.

They always look like landscapes up close.

Yeah I was hoping the show might get picked up. But I could see where one could regard it as a rather typical cop show, with the added bonus of Nathan Fillion's wackiness. Nathan Fillion's what keeps me coming back each week, anyway *shrug*

The Else is probably my favorite TMBG album right next to John Henry thank you very much.