Garaks Forehead Thing


I just took a listen to Born Sinner.  Wow!  What a pleasure.  A new rapper who can actually flow.

I want to believe this is the result of people noticing this album is dull, unoriginal, nasty and immature.  So I will.

Buddy, unless you know how to 'resolve' my mother, I'll stick to the pills thankyouverymuch.

I like how it made me feel like I was a knowledgeable part of the solution, right from the comfort of my very own home.  Far away from fucking Baltimore.

Just popping in to say that I've been really enjoying the recommendations you guys have been publishing re: James Gandolfini lately.  It seems like his reputation took a hit in the last few years (being notoriously prickly and all that), and that always felt unfair to me.  He has a pretty incredible range for a guy

I'm sympathetic to your circumstances.  I'm a first generation American who didn't grow up with much (and my parents had even less) and many of my friends faced challenges similar to yours.  Congratulations on doing what you've done, it's not easy.

I found this incredibly sad.  The idea that you - clearly so proud of your intelligence and rewarded for it - felt like you discovered art sometime past the age of 18 after watching Mad Men… I mean, fuck.  I literally (yes, literally) felt pain thinking about it.

Usually I try to contain my wide-ranging crankiness before it descends into near-trolling, but there is something about the Dark Knight Rises makes that impossible.  I actually enjoyed the first two movies.  But the third was perhaps the stupidest movie I've ever seen.

Oh man.  If the best part of the latest Superman movie is the "character development it poaches from Christopher Nolan’s Batman films," then it must really be fucked.  If memory serves, character development in those movies consisted of hobbling around on a cane, getting improvised spinal surgery in prison and - most

Some guy.  Next.

I noticed that too.  It feels like they noticed how all these fashion editorial photos people post to tumblr tend to have low contrast and luminance, and instead of understanding that is the result of being scanned from printed material they instead decided that murk is the new look of quality.

Interesting related note, I was voted most like "a Roger Dean prog-rock album cover filtered through the sensibilities of David Lynch’s Dune" in high school.

@avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus Hardly.  Would a racist have fathered and subsequently disavowed so many half-Asian babies?  I doubt that very much.

The Liders of Lohan are my favorites in Rord of the Lings.

The way Davos mispronounced 'knight,' all I could think was "careful, careful…"


Yeah, I've had that feeling as well.  I think that point is rapidly approaching.

I don't agree with the whole "GoT is getting better as it goes along" narrative that is popular amongst the approximately 17,000 TV critics on the internet.

On behalf of everyone, I'm fucking embarrassed by this.