Garaks Forehead Thing

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus I wouldn't call what happened in BSG "crying."  Skull fucking your own sadness until it vomits on you is probably a better description of how emotions were rendered in that fine and subtle program.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus Thank you for graciously conceding.  But try not to be sad about it and have a giant tantrum in which you destroy everything you own.  Because if BSG has taught me anything it's that the normal human reaction to sadness is to sob uncontrollably until sloppy throat spit

@avclub-e7b020dc5b20f6303627206c35622a17:disqus @avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus It must be hard to be in agreement with the majority and then have one person disagree with you.  Very threatening, I imagine!

The Long Island Landscapers one severely understates the absurd reality of the actual thing.  A few things they were missing:

You got me there.  If lots of people liked something - especially those towering intellects who review television shows - it must be pretty good.

My favorite part of BSG is when Bob Dylan leads them to space Israel where they voluntarily give up their spaceships and start breeding with filthy fucking savages they've never fucking met, all because they've learned an important lesson about treating their personal appliances with respect.  Also the part when

@avclub-1e850f6bef0bc36ca1f64e95ff1cbd2e:disqus I have no fucking clue.

Fucking loved Hellboy 2 and Pan's Labyrinth and pretty much everything else GdT has done.  Irrationally excited about this one.

Oh, right.  I forgot about that.  It's like the Oscars went to college and started dating a sexy Arab guy.

Unfortunately, no, it's not coming soon.

Yes, yes, that certainly is important to Israeli history.  Although you're unlikely to find much home movie footage from the WWII era.

How so?

EDIT: Nevermind, found the quote.

Yes, I had basically the same reaction after finishing the fifth book.  I enjoyed the first, really liked the third, but the rest were somewhere between dull (the second) and excruciating (the fourth and fifth).

Thanks for the clarification GRRM.  Now get back to fucking work on the fucking books.

Is Toni Collette ever not wonderful? Seriously, that woman is one of the most reliable actors around.

There is a cream for that.

It'd be nice if some of these think pieces were actually thought provoking.  There are some actually challenging things to think about with this show.  For example:

Marry me.

Not saying it's high art.  If anything, it's an almost perfect low brow synthesis of harlequin romance novel, fashion editorial and the sorts of paintings that I imagine are hanging in Bill O'Reilly's home.  My point is that a TV show version of that is going to be a fucking embarrassment.