Garaks Forehead Thing


Time to come clean: I skipped most of the Iron Islands, Cersei and Brianne chapters in Book 4.  Which might be why I didn't really loathe it like most fans.

This is fucking great.

I've noticed the same thing.  One of the great things about GRRM's fantasy universe is that it upended the usual fantasy tendency to feature great white saviors.

That's a bummer about Belwas, if true.  When reading the books, I appreciated the character for two reasons.  First, he provides a ton of awesome flavor and anchors a few terrific scenes (which is, after all, the point).  Second, he is the most visible link between Dany and the strange Illyrio/Varys conspiracy.

On the subject of sticking with the series, I can't be the only fan (read all five books, etc) who has wondered how the next couple of seasons will progress.  Questions I have (spoilers, obviously):

The late 90s was actually really musically rich.  There might have been a lot of crap, but there was also a lot of brilliance.  Very difference scene from today, where everything is sorta indie, sorta mainstream and often suffers from serving those two masters.

This kind of stuff always made me a little uncomfortable.  Like buying puppies from a puppy mill.  You have to ignore all the cruelty and nihilism that went into its creation, simply because the result makes you smile and clap your hands.

Cool, thanks.  And the violence?  How does that fit in?  Is the show still presenting itself as a historical document, or is there a little more candor about the fact that this is a fantasy?

I haven't watched this show in a few seasons, but every so often I check a review to see if anything catches my eye.

It seems like Todd has been pulling back from his hyperbolic praise and hysterical defense of the show for some time now.  Which, I think, should be commended.

I would believe that getting mono in middle school is the worst setback Lena Dunham has ever experienced.  So brave of her to talk about it.  So brave.

The Happening was a financial success?  Fuck me. 

Know what I'd love to see?  A movie about how M Knight Shamalama keeps being allowed to make huge movies.  They completely buried his name in all of this - implying that someone out there realizes the dude is toxic - and yet he still gets the job.  Why?  

Liked for the phrase "I'm with Nixon on this one."

It's Fabergé, you brute.Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to privatize your rainwater.

I don't think you're trolling.  I fucking live in this overpriced psycho yuppie fucking nightmare, and I couldn't agree more.  I know many folks who are just like characters in this movie.  They're hard to avoid.

Only a couple of pints.  Of mescaline.

I'm pretty fucking hungover, but it feels like I'm reading an article about Arrested Development - the 90th this week - asking if there are too many articles about Arrested Development.

@avclub-f44e5f581e7f058880813901dfa1b55f:disqus As in, less than half a cup.